Hi FreeSurfer experts,
I know that FreeSurfer genrates WM information (area/volume) for smaller
cortical regions (e.g, superiortemporal, supramarginal) along with the GM
But, I was wondering is there a way to generate larger WM structures (e.g.,
temporal lobe or parietal lobe) usi
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Hello all - reposting this to see if anyone can help - thanks!
We are using a paired analysis approach to study cortical thickness in a
dataset with 2 timepoints (called pre-protocol and post-protocol).
Regarding the mean cluster summary (contrast: [1
Hi Fateme,
Infant Freesurfer takes a single input image so there is no rawavg file created
at the beginning of the pipeline. You should be able to replace rawavg in your
command with the original image that you used as an input.
From: freesurfer-bou
Hi Anastasia,
I did add the ANTs to my path, but am still getting that same error.
I adde the path : setenv ANTSPATH /usr/pubsw/packages/ANTS/2.3.4/bin to the
.csh file which has all the TRACULA configuration info, and also to the bash
script that I’m running the trac-all from: export