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How does lifestyle impact brain plasticity?
What roles do diet and gut-brain communication play for brain function
and behavior?
Which mechanisms and modifiers cont
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Hello Lilla,
Many thanks for you kind and helpful respond! We have just applied for the code
for the infant pipeline and would be happy to utilize it.
Kind regards,
Nina Wilpert
Nina-Maria Wilpert | medical student
T +49 (0) 30 450559858 | M +49
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Online Machine Learning School! (8th - 11th September 2020)
Prof. Nikolaos Koutsouleris and the team welcomes you to our Online Machine Learning School by
the ECNP Neuroimaging Network, which aims to introduce you to machine learning with a fo
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Hi, freesurfer experts. I am running dt_recon and mri_vol2vol to obtain FA
values of ROI. Everything is OK after running the dt_recon command. But some
subjects in my study show an issue with mri_vol2vol registration. When
checking the wmparc2diff.