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Dear all
we are hiring a postdoc with strong experience in MRI data acquisition and
analysis to collaborate on a large-scale international project (
https://skuldnet.org/) aimed at exploring the neural architecture of
For more informatio
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Dear FS experts,
From an statistical map obtained by mri_glmfit-sim, say a
cache.th13.abs.sig.masked.mgh map, I would like to list all the significant
regions from all clusters in the following intuitive way, for instance:
Supramarginal gyrus: X verti
Dear all - This is your chance to enter the final round of the IronTract
Challenge. First, make sure to check out the results of round 1 of the
challenge, along with other great work in the ISMRM Orientation Modelling &
Fibre Tractography oral session, and join us for the Q&A:
Hi Surfers,
I get the following error when I use tksurfer for one of our subjects:
znzTAGskip: tag=1830834290, failed to calloc 1834378240 bytes!
To clarify, this error is only limited to freesurfer version 6.0 and 7. But
version 5.3 works fine with the same subject.
Sorry, I think I figured the issue out based on the previous conversations.
Just for the record, I sourced freesurfer 5.3 and resaved orig.mgz for this
subject using the following command:
mri_convert mri.orig mri.orig
Apparently it corrected the problem.
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I found a new bug,
mri_make_uchar nu.mgz transforms/talairach.xfm nu.mgz
error: No such file or directory
error: MRIvoxelToTalairachVoxel: unsupported slice direction 2^@
Knut Jørgen Bjuland
On 21/07/2020 16:27, Douglas N. Greve wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Douglas,
mri_segstats wouldn't generate binary ROI masks, so I tried using
*mri_binarize* and *mri_extract_label* to produce masks for thalamic
nuclei, but I run into the same problem of generating empty masks (these
commands worked for other ROIs)
Hi Jocelyn - I'm having a hard time replicating this error. What version of FSL
are you using? You can see this in the file $FSLDIR/etc/fslversion.
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
on behalf of Jocelyn Ra
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020
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Hi Anastasia,
I'm using FSL 6!
Hope this helps,
On Thu, Jul 23, 2020 at 8:47 AM Yendiki, Anastasia
> Hi Jocelyn - I'm having a hard time replicating this error. What version
> of FSL are you using? You can see this in the file $FSLDI