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Hi Lilla,
1. Many thanks for the assurance.
2. My structural data was preprocessed in FS while my functional data was
preprocessed in FSL. As far as I can tell, the difference lies in the MNI152
standard brain size:
* In FSL, the MNI152
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Hello Freesurfer user,
I am very much new to the use of freesurfer. Can anyone share from where to
study so that I can start using freesurfer.
I basically wants to extract hippocampus trophies and GM WM CSF volumes
Rahul Sharma
Try running recon-all on the MNI152. Load the ROI onto the reconned
MNI152; load the surfaces as well and make sure that the ROI intersects
with the surface, then use #3 below with --regheader MNI152 instead of
--reg tmp.dat. You can also specify --trgsubject fsaverage and
mri_vol2surf will map
The tutorial is a great place to start
There are videos of the lectures on line
On 7/2/2020 6:08 AM, Rahul Sharma wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hello Freesurfer user,
I am very much new to the use of freesurfer. Can anyone shar
Do all subjects have this problem or just this one? Have you looked at
orig.mgz to rule out any major problems?
On 6/30/20 8:13 AM, Ian wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Here you go Doug, thanks.
docker@7d97b79d7546:/execute/freesurfer2016/mri$ mri_nu_correct.mni
--n 1 --proto-ite
?Hi Doug,
Thanks for the response and apologies on the late reply. Yes, Caladan is
running on 8 CPU's and re-running them in isolation remedied the problem and
they were able to finish successfully. Thanks for the help!
From: freesur
Dear Victor,
Sorry for the slow response.
1.5 T is not a problem.
Do you have a companion 1mm T1?
If no: then the main problem is the main recon stream.
If yes: what is the in-plane resolution and orientation? If it’s a high-res
coronal, it may help with the subfields. For the thalamus, I’d just u
The original MRI dims were: 256 256 124,
and pixel dim: 0.9375 0.9375 1.5
These MRI scans are really old and predate DCMs so I'm not exactly sure how
else to extract the data. But there?'s no complementary MR scans included in
the FS processing either.
?I have mixed sources saying different th
Thank you, Victor. 1.5x1x1mm is not ideal, but you should be able to run the
modules. Just make sure to QC the output.
Juan Eugenio Iglesias
Senior research fellow
From: on behalf of "Zeng, Victor
(BIDMC - Kesh