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Hey all,
The OHBM Open Science Special Interest Group (OS-SIG) is very happy to announce:
Registration is now open for the 2020 OHBM Brainhack (the hackathon organized by the OS-SIG) that will be held online, Jun
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Hello FreeSurfer Experts,
When we specify the number of spaces in running permutation simulation (i.e.,
2spaces or 3spaces), does the program use a Bonferroni adjustment to correct?
I’ve seen a couple references to Bonferroni correction in the wiki p
Hi FreeSurfer team,
I am trying to run qcache but it is exiting with errors because it is not able
to find files in the fsaverage/surf directory. I looked in
$FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage and there is indeed not a surf folder.
Should I use one of the other directories like fsaverage3?
ot;) are, unless
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Yes, bonferroni
On 5/22/2020 11:46 AM, Purcell, Juliann wrote:
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Hello FreeSurfer Experts,
When we specify the number of spaces in running permutation simulation
(i.e., 2spaces or 3spaces), does the program use a Bonferroni
adjustment to correct? I’ve see
It should be restored now, sorry for the problem
On 5/22/2020 11:49 AM, Wang, Lily wrote:
Hi FreeSurfer team,
I am trying to run qcache but it is exiting with errors because it is
not able to find files in the fsaverage/surf directory. I looked in
$FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage and there
Sorry, I accidentally deleted some files from the v6 fsaverage located
on the Martinos Center network. They have been restored, but it might
have caused your recon-all process to fail if you had one running last
Have a good weekend
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Hi Richard, the conclusion among us is that you have run out of memory.
I'm not sure how much you will need, but with both hires and FLAIR, it
will be a lot
On 5/21/2020 9:35 AM, Jones, Richard wrote:
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I ran freesurfer 7.1 with the following options:-
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Hi Doug,
I had the identical problem (failure at segmentation stage, as described below)
in 4 subjects of my dataset. I have no possibility to run analyses on a linux
Since all 4 subjects had no problem using Freesurfer 6, is it so wrong to
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Hi all,
There was some ambiguity in communication from a previous MR technician
regarding the slice ordering in our BOLD data.
preproc-sess was applied to our data:
preproc-sess -sf SUBJECTS -surface fsaverage lhrh -per-run -fsd bold
-sliceorder up -f
Hi Antonin,
Thanks for the report. We’ll look into this.
> On May 22, 2020, at 2:42 PM, Antonín Škoch wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Dear experts,
> I want to use freeview for viewing Gordon surface labels on inflated surface
> with custom col
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Dear experts,
I want to use freeview for viewing Gordon surface labels on inflated surface
with custom coloring. I am using commandline like
freeview -viewport 3d -f
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Please also let us know the version of the OS you are comparing running both
the 6.0.0 and 7.1.0 release on.
- R.
On May 22, 2020, at 14:49, Ruopeng Wang
wrote:Hi Antonin,Thanks for the report. We’ll look into this.Best,R
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