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Dear all,
1. BV have a tool:
Is freesurfer have something similar for MPRAGE (i use recon-all)
2.Is PD is suitable also to correct MP2RAG
Dear Freesurfers,
We need to analyze PET data after correcting for partial volume effect in the
cortex, white matter and subarachnoid space. Is Freesurfer's partial volume
correction working on all these areas or only the grey matter volume and
surface? Is there a way to use gtmseg on the white
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Freesurfer devs,
Apologies if this has already been asked. I'm looking for a way that I can look
at the progress of mris_register to investigate the accuracy of registration.
Given that the registration is done on the 2D parameterisations of the
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Hi Douglas,
Thank you so much for your quick response. That is what I am looking for.
By the way, I found another file,global.gmwm.dat, in aux. Is this file the
mean suv intensity for grey matter and white matter? Which ROIs does it
remove compare to
On 5/15/2020 8:17 PM, Lab of Autism and Developmental Neuroscience, Lab
of Autism and Developmental Neuroscience wrote:
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
Hope everyone is doing well! Could someone please clarify some things
about mris_anatomical_stats, done afte
It will certainly do cortex. We do not have a segmentation for
subarachnoid spaces. Or are you just talking about extra cerebral CSF?
We do have a segmentation for xCSF, but it is not the most beautiful
thing in the world. For WM, the GTM will give you a PVC corrected value
for the entire lh an
I'm still confused as to what you are trying to do. If you just want to
sample your data onto the surface, then you do not need to resample it
at all. You just run mri_vol2surf with the appropriate registration and
projection fraction. If I'm misunderstanding, please clarify.
On 5/19/2020 4:27
When you say it is "linear" do you mean it does not wrap-around?
On 5/19/2020 8:47 PM, Devavrat Vartak PhD wrote:
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Hello freesurfer community,
I am trying to setup a retinotopy pipeline. I have analysed pRF data
generating polar angle and eccentricity ma
You can use these commands
From the linux command line,
Create the file you want to upload, eg,
tar cvfz subject.tar.gz ./subject
Now log into our anonymous FTP site:
ftp surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
It will ask you for a user name: use "anonymous" (no quotes)
It will ask you for
If I understand, you run two analyses, one with an FSGD file with only
two classes and one where the FSGD file has the same two classes but you
include two variables. You are doing the same test (group1-group2) and
are wondering why the results are different.
They are different because you ha
You can just run
recon-all -s x autorecon2-wm -autorecon3 -T2pial
When you ran it the first time, your volT2.nii was copied into the
subject's folder and will be used when the pial surface is placed when
you include -T2pial
On 5/16/2020 1:12 PM, Octavian Lie wrote:
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It is not clear what is failing. Can you check two things?
1. Check the talairach.lta with
cd $SUBJECTS_DIR/subject/mri/transforms
tkregisterfv --mov ../orig.mgz --reg talairach.lta --targ
This does not have to be perfect, but it sh
Sorry, one of the reasons we stopped supporting QDEC was because it
became impossible to debug these kinds of things. Please use the command
line stream (ie, create an FSGD file and contrast matrices, run
mris_preproc, mris_fwhm, and mri_glmfit). I can help you once you
recreate the error
We don't have tools to do this. I guess you could use BV to do the
correction and feed the output into recon-all. For 7T, we often run SPM
VBM or segmentation to get a bias corrected output, then feed that into
On 5/21/2020 3:50 AM, Tali Weiss wrote:
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Yes, CSF and vents
On 5/21/2020 9:48 AM, Vicky Shi wrote:
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Hi Douglas,
Thank you so much for your quick response. That is what I am looking for.
By the way, I found another file,global.gmwm.dat, in aux. Is this file
the mean suv intensity for grey matter
I would just map the ?h.curv from one subject to another and then
display them on a single surface and flip back and forth. Would that
work for you?
On 5/21/2020 9:30 AM, Chris Adamson wrote:
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Freesurfer devs,
Apologies if this has already been asked. I’m
Hi Chris
if you specify -w on the command line it will write out a surface
every n iterations of the minimization (-n 1 will write out every step).
You can then write a script to turn those into tiffs with freeview
On Thu,
21 May 2020, Chris Adamson wrote:
I don't know what is wrong. Can you upload the hires run? Instructions below
From the linux command line,
Create the file you want to upload, eg,
tar cvfz subject.tar.gz ./subject
Now log into our anonymous FTP site:
ftp surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
It will ask you for a user name
Yes I need the lh and rh cerebral WM for sure, but not just the values, also an
And I need also a corrected image for the extra cerebral CSF. How can I get
Thank you very much,
Valeria Barletta, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
149 13th Street, Charlestown MA 02129
You can try using --rbv. In theory, you can use mueller-gaertner
(--mgx), but I don't have it set up to look at WM or CSF. And be careful
because the extracerebral CSF segmentation is often not very good.
On 5/21/2020 1:07 PM, Barletta, Valeria wrote:
Yes I need the lh and rh cerebral WM for su
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I apologize for resending all of this info, but my email is acting up and every
time I try to respond to the other email, my Outlook freezes.
Here is info from our thread. I modified it to include the analysis in which I
found significant clusters (i
yhat = X(:,[1 2 3])*beta([1 2 3],:)
On 5/21/2020 2:12 PM, Hua, Jessica wrote:
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I apologize for resending all of this info, but my email is acting up
and every time I try to respond to the other email, my Outlook freezes.
Here is info from our thread.
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Yeah that works, thanks a lot.
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
On Behalf Of Douglas N. Greve
Sent: Friday, 22 May 2020 1:08 AM
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mris_register intermediate results display
I wou
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Open Postdoctoral Scholar Position
The University of Washington Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences (I-LABS;
http://ilabs.washington.edu/) located in Seattle, WA is seeking a Postdoctoral
Scholar to conduct analyses of human MRI brain imaging dat
Hi Fleur,
It’s definitely running with tcsh. Can you provide a bit more context for the
error? Like is there any terminal output preceding it?
From: on behalf of Fleur Warton
Reply-To: FS Help
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 6:13 AM
To: fsbuild
Cc: FS Help
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer]
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Jumping in on this, since it has come up many times but is without a
solution so far: the issue is that the color code is now mapped onto a
straight color bar, not a circle. At the same time, it is not documented
what color refers to which angle. Th
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