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Dear developers,
I’m running into an issue using freeview. I have installed freesurfer on a
Linux subsystem for Windows (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) according to the guidelines
(https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/WindowsSupport) including Xming. The
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Hi Iglesias,
I would like to learn the two ways for estimating volumes mentioned in
another post, see below. Please send me the codes in Freesurfer to do this.
Thank you,
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From: Iglesias Gonzalez, Juan E.
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Hello Kristian,
I have been looking at this as well, and my understanding is things are not
configured “out of the box” for an X-Windows client like freeview running under
the Windows Linux subsystem to work with the 3rd party Xming software running
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Dear all,
I am a beginner in FreeSurfer world.
I have 4 questions. It would be kind enough if you could clarify my
- I have came across that 'Freesurfer can reconstruct 2D cortical
surface from 3D T1 MRI brain image'. However, I know
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Hi FreeSurfer,
I am running trac-all prepocessing using a configuration file. I tried
preprocessing a couple of participants, and I keep getting this error:
#@# Tensor fit Sat Apr 11 21:29:36 PDT 2020