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Dear experts,
i was trying to run Qdec on macOS Mojave, in the past it always worked well.
But now I am not able to generate stats data any more, an error message pops up
every time I try running it.
Is there a general problem running Qdec or is it j
Hi Nader,
Freeview can't do that currently. But I will add an option for it.
On 12/21/19 10:19 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> oh, you want to save a volume that has just the borders of each
> structure labeled? I'm not sure we have anything that can do that.
> Ruopeng: can freeview?
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Hello Leona,
What is the error that you are seeing?
Qdec is a 32 bit program (*not* 64 bit), so even Mac OS 10.14 (Mojave) may put
up a warning that it is not optimized and needs to be re-compiled, but it
should still run. It will not however run if
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Hi Roupeng
Can i hope you do it soon.
It is an important part of my phd thesis.
Best regards and best wishes
On 23 Dec 2019 19:24, "Ruopeng Wang" wrote:
Hi Nader,
Freeview can't do that currently. But I will add an option for it.
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I am using Freesurfer stable6_0_0
(/autofs/cluster/freesurfer/centos6_x86_64/stable6_0_0/bin) and I used it
for all my subjects, so far. Now I would like to do BrainStem and
HippocampalSubfieldsAndNucleiOfAmygdala segmentation which needs me to
Dear Meena,
Running the dev version of recon-all is a really bad idea, as your results will
not be reliable or reproducible.
I would use dev for the hippo/amygdala substructures and then switch back to
Juan Eugenio Iglesias
Senior research fellow