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I did something similar once. There is a paper on MNI152 to fsaverage
conversion options (that suggests a pretty accurate, new method) here:
If I remember correctly, the simplest way, even though it's not
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Dear Freesurfer experts,
I want to know how Freesufer to compute the volume and area at each vertex.
Are there any references? I just found the reference which introduces the
measure of thickness(MacDonald et al.2000).
Any help with this would be
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Dear expert,
I want to know if the *norm.mgz* is already linearly registered? And is
the *T1.mgz *not linearly registered? They are all generated from
*recon-all. *
Is there any file non-linearly registered?
Best wishes,
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Have you found any solution? Is it possible to bring my computer to you as
a way to solve the problem under your supervision?
Thanks a lot.
-- Forwarded message -
De: Juan Rivas
Date: vie., 12 jul. 2019 a las 10:50
Subject: freeview
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Hi Everyone!
I have met a problem that when I run the recon-all command, freesurfer always
stuck at fix topology and dont give any files modify or terminal return for
days. Could you please to help me solve this problem?
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Dear all,
Thank you very much for your kind suggestions. I think it should be mni305.
I know how to deal with it now. According to my understanding, the label
files transformed from annotations file in the fsaverage should be the
mni305 atlas. Then I c
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To whom it may concern
I used the freesufer brainstem segmentation, and I want to calculate the
area of the segmented brainstem by slices. Would you like to let me know
the pixel value of all three directions. Many Thanks!
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> To whom it may concern
> I used the freesufer brainstem segmentation, and I want to calculate the
> area of the segmented brainstem by slices. Would you like to let me know
> the pixel value of all three directions. I used the result in
> *brainste
Hi Feifei
we don't compute thickness using the method introudced by (MacDonald et
al.2000). For that you can look at either our 1999 NeuroImage pair of
papers or the 2000 PNAS paper.
Essentially surface area is just the average area of the triangles that the
vertex is attached to, and then v
Hi Ping
first, all files in the mri dir are in native coordinates (or "conformed"
versions of them), not transformed to any other coordinate system. The
norm has been linearly registered to our internal atlas and is subsequently
nonlinearly registered to it, but remains in its original coordin
that usually means you have a defect that is too large to correct
accurately. Can you send us an image of the inflated.nofix surface? Or
examine it to see if something went wrong (e.g. skull attached to brain).
On Tue, 16 Jul 2019, Li Ma wrote:
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Yep.I have sent through FileDrop to you.
发件人:Bruce Fischl
发送时间:2019年7月16日(星期二) 22:19
收件人:Li Ma ; Freesurfer support list
主 题:Re: [Freesurfer] Problem while fix topology
that usual
You are probably interested in the power (ie, "can I detect an effect
with this many trials scheduled in this way?"). It is not possible to
answer this question without an effect size. Having said that, I
generally feel comfortable when the VRF is 20-40. Note that this assumes
an FIR (not assum
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Hello, since yesterday i am trying to run freeview. I have followed the
steps you asked to me, and today I updated freeview. I get this message
*jcrn12@jcrn12-VirtualBox:~$ freeviewThis application failed to start
because it could not find
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Dear Jackie,
You may want to use the soft segmentations; you can obtain them by setting the
environment variable WRITE_POSTERIORS to 1 before running the code, see:
Also: you can obtain t
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Hi, Eugenia
I need the real area size of the brainstem in one slice, I can calculate
the total pixels in the area from *brainstemSsLabels.v10.mgz*, I need the
real pixel size of it, than I can calculate the real area size. Many Thanks!
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Dear Freesurfer,
I have a batch of myelin water image (MWI) from patients and controls, and
trying to have inflated cortex registered on standard surface for GLM (Qdec).
With the commandlines below i get my inflated surface of MWI map of my patients
Don't use --inflated. The inflated surface is not a biological surface. The
default is the white surface, which is the one you want (--projfrac 0.5 will
project it to the middle between the white and pial)
On 7/16/2019 11:34 AM, Reza Rahmanzadeh wrote:
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External Email - Use Caution
Hello JC,
You can try installing the following,
$ sudo apt-get install qt5-default qtcreator
$ sudo apt-get install libqt5x11extras5-dev
Are you working on Ubuntu 18 ?
- R.
On Jul 12, 2019, at 22:29, Juan Rivas
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Hi again,
mri_convert will give you the voxel size, which is isotropic. Multiply 2 of the
dimensions and you’ve got the area.
Also: rather than counting pixels from the discrete segmentation, I highly
recommend that you produce soft segmentations as e
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Hello, I am working with Ubuntu 18.
I did what you asked to me, but the results are the same:
*jcrn12@jcrn12-VirtualBox:~$ sudo apt-get install qt5-default
qtcreatorReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency tree
Reading state
mri_info --res file.mgz
is probably better than mri_convert
On 7/16/19 11:43 AM, Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hi again,
> mri_convert will give you the voxel size, which is isotropic. Multiply
> 2 of the dimensions and you’ve got the area.
> A
The command should be something like
tksurfer mysubject lh inflated -overlay output_of_vol2surf.mgz
Also, tksurfer is also obsolete (but should work). You should be using
freeview (or tksurferfv, a freeview front end that takes the same
command line args as tksurfer)
Also, please remember to resp
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(I assume now we are discussing in FS list, if no please let me how possible?)
Thanks Doug, now i could see the inflate surface, this means that my
mri_vol2surf works well. As i would do GLM analysis over inflated cortex of
patients and controls in
On 7/16/19 12:57 PM, Reza Rahmanzadeh wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> (I assume now we are discussing in FS list, if no please let me how
> possible?)
> Thanks Doug, now i could see the inflate surface, this means that my
> mri_vol2surf works well. As i would do GLM ana
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See if you have the following directory with the plugins libraries,
$ ls /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platforms
There should be a libqxcb.so listed in that directory if you have them.
Also try setting the following in your environment
$ export
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Thanks a lot Doug,
I started to proceed with FS group analysis wiki you sent to me. Accordingly, i
have to resample all my data (output of recon-all for a given subject for
example) into fsaverage using mris_preproc. My commandline for a subject was
don't include the back slash (ie, fsaverage not fsaverage/ same for FSP010)
On 7/16/19 3:07 PM, Reza Rahmanzadeh wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Thanks a lot Doug,
> I started to proceed with FS group analysis wiki you sent to me.
> Accordingly, i have to resample all my d
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That was the systemś answer:
jcrn12@jcrn12-VirtualBox:~$ ls
libqeglfs.so libqminimalegl.so libqoffscreen.so libqxcb.so
libqlinuxfb.so libqminimal.so libqvnc.so
jcrn12@jcrn12-VirtualBox:~$ export QT_DEB
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OK, please check to see if this directory exists,
$ ls /usr/local/freesurfer/bin/platforms
If it does exist, then please let us know what is there with a repply email.
But I expect that it does not exist and ls will report there is no such
platforms d
Hi JC, the following command will attempt to update freeview correctly:
bash <(curl -s
This is a somewhat experimental script, but hopefully it solves the issue.
From: on behalf of fsbuild
Reply-To: FS Help
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Dear Freesurfer Mailing List,
I am trying to calculate the effect size of the main and interaction effect
clusters that were significant in my vertex-wise LME analysis. For this I need
the degrees of freedom for each contrast, but I am confused abou
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Hi Greve
Can you download those files? I have uploaded it in ftp website and send to
your email, the file name is Untitled.rar.
Hope you can help me. Thank you very much.
Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. 于2019年7月15日周一 下午12:07写道:
> I see the file there, b
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