[Freesurfer] bbregister- switched coronal and axial views error

2019-06-18 Thread Wenzhen Zhao
External Email - Use Caution Dear list, After running preproc-sess on fmri data, bbr-sum was 0.94. After looking through images of template.nii.gz with register.dof6.lta file, I found that coronal and axial views of template(w/ registration applied) are switched. $preproc-sess

Re: [Freesurfer] picture edit

2019-06-18 Thread Tim Schäfer
External Email - Use Caution The picture style you want looks very similar (though not identical) to the ones produces by SurfStat: http://www.math.mcgill.ca/keith/surfstat/ Scroll down on the page to see some example figures produced with it. SurfStat is a matlab toolbox,

[Freesurfer] Within-subject vertexwise correlation

2019-06-18 Thread Matthieu Vanhoutte
External Email - Use Caution Dear FS experts, I would like to compute within-subject correlation between two modalities based on vertexwise maps in fsaverage space. I wonder whether I have to smooth the normalized surface-based maps before computing vertexwise within-subject corre

[Freesurfer] DesikanKilliany ROI for mri_glmfit

2019-06-18 Thread Tammi Kral
External Email - Use Caution Hello, I would like to use the insula label/ROI from the DesikanKilliany atlas with mri_glmfit. How do I reference this label, as I don't see a LUT for this atlas. I appreciate any suggestions. Thanks, Tammi R.A. Kral, M.S. -- Doctoral Candidat

[Freesurfer] Parcellation to FS surface annotation

2019-06-18 Thread Williamson, Brady
External Email - Use Caution Hello, I am trying to convert parcellations in MNI space (BrainNetome and Craddock 200) to a surface annotation file in fsaverage space. I have seen several posts that seem to talk about steps that may be applicable but none of them are very efficie

Re: [Freesurfer] picture edit

2019-06-18 Thread Abby tang
External Email - Use Caution Dear Dr. Tim Schäfer Thank you for your help and websites. I will try to do with them. Thank you! Best wish Abby Tim Schäfer 于2019年6月19日周三 上午2:37写道: > External Email - Use Caution > > The picture style you want looks very similar (though not