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Hi Loïc,
that does not look correct, the data is definitely off. I'm not sure where the
variables `mean_rest` and `surf.b` come from in your code, and I suspect that
something is wrong with them.
In the meantime, I got interested in this myself and
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Hi Tim,
'mean_rest' is a diffusion embedding map, which contains scores for every
vertex on fsaverage5 surface resolution.
'surf.b' is the pial surface of both hemispheres of fsaverage5... I also
tried forjust lh hemisphere, but it gives me the same re
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Hi Tim,
Your link works perfectly, it's awesome!
Thanks a lot,
Le lun. 27 mai 2019 à 11:43, Loïc Daumail a écrit :
> Hi Tim,
> 'mean_rest' is a diffusion embedding map, which contains scores for every
> vertex on fsaverage5 surface re
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Dear Freesurfer experts:
Hello! I'm a new student to surface based fMRI analysis. Now I'm
dealing with a functional parcellation problem. The subjects in my dataset
has different vertex number and I need to do a group level parcellation, so
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