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Hi Freesurfers,
I want to do group analysis on four groups and use the volume values in
1- Is it correct that each subcortical segmentation is based on a
"volumetric segmentation atlas" created by Freesurfer?
2- Are the volume values expres
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Hi everyone,
I need to convert a surfacic mask that is made from data of one subject
projected onto fsaverage6 into a volumic map. To do so, I'm trying to use
mri_surf2vol to take my Gifti file and create 3D version as Nifti file (using
gray matter).
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How should I go about properly citing freesurfer if I am using dt_recon for
dti analysis?
*Daniel Callow*
*PhD Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science*
Exercise for Brain Health Lab
University of Maryland, College Park
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Hello Freesurfer Experts,
May I ask if there is a whitening/weighting matrix used to give weighted
least squares estimates (WLS) and whiten the data during the 1st-level
model estimation in FSFAST? If so, how could I get it?
Many thanks and kind regar
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Hi Kody
yes, there are some hidden options to recon-all for this. Take a look at
the script for things like -no-cerebellum, -rh-only, and see if they are
sufficient for what you are trying to do
On Mon, 4 Mar 2019, zalewk wrote:
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see the attached job opening description. If interested contact Michael
(contact info below and in attachment)
Michael Zeineh, M.D.-Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Radiology
Associate Chief of Neuroradiology for Operations and IT
Stanford University, Lucas Center for Imaging, Rm. P271