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I am new to FreeSurfer.
I conducted an experiment with event-related design.
There were eight non-fixation conditions. In every trial, a simple stimulus
was presented for about 1.5 sec, and the subject made a button press.
I did the following
External Email - Use Caution
Dear FreeSurfer experts,
I get this error message when running group analysis on cortical thickness
using glmfit:
ERROR: dimension mismatch between X and contrast
Contrasts/ADHD_COM_TD_age_IQ.mtx X has 9 cols, C has 10 cols
Please find attached the
You have 3 groups and 2 covariates, so you will have 3*(2+1)=9
regressors, in this order
ADHD-offset COM-offset TD-offset ADHD-Age COM-Age TD-AGE ADHC-IQ COM-IQ
You will need to have a single value for each regressor in your contrast
matrix, meaning that you should have 9 values. You have
Hi Arkadiy, this should be fixed now.
From: on behalf of "Maksimovskiy,
Reply-To: FS Help
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at 6:01 PM
To: FS Help
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Best way to update Freeview
Hi everyone,
I was able to download Freeview- the link now works
I forgot to mention, if you’re replacing freeview in a stable osx freesurfer
release, then you must also remove the line "source
$FREESURFER_HOME/sources.csh" from the $FREESURFER_HOME/bin/freeview script
From: on behalf of "Hoopes, Andrew"
Reply-To: FS Help
Date: Thursday, Se
Hi, this should be fixed now in the OSX dev distribution.
From: on behalf of "Md. Mamun Al-Amin"
Reply-To: FS Help
Date: Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 1:15 AM
To: FS Help
Subject: [Freesurfer] Freeview error
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Experts
I have been enco
answwers below
On 09/27/2018 05:44 AM, 伊藤匠吾 wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to FreeSurfer.
> I conducted an experiment with event-related design.
> There were eight non-fixation conditions. In every trial, a simple
> stimulus was presented for about 1.5 sec, and the subject made a
> button pr
This is the behavior in 6.0. It has been fixed in the deev version. I
think it is possible to download just the dev version of freeview.
Otherwise, you could do your computation in matlab with
c = MRIread('cohensd.mgh');
On 09/26/2018 02:34 PM, Maksimovskiy, Arkadiy wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
I'm running into an error in the longitudinal TRACULA pipeline that I'm not
sure how to resolve. I saw this error in the message board but there was no
resolution to the problem so I thought I'd ask again. I've successfully run the