Re: [Freesurfer] How to run freesurfer on steps 1 to 12

2018-07-03 Thread Francisco Ferreira
External Email - Use Caution Hi Bruce, thank you for answering. The problem is that autorecon2 runs all the way to step 23, and I only need up until step 12. Is there another way? Regards, Francisco On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 9:08 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > Hi Francisco > > do yo

Re: [Freesurfer] Anterior / Posterior Partition in Hippocampus parcellation atlas

2018-07-03 Thread Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio
External Email - Use Caution Yes! Juan Eugenio Iglesias Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC) University College London From: Dev vasu Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 12:22:27 AM To: Ig

Re: [Freesurfer] FS6.0-dev (Jun27, 2018) Hippocampal subfield Matlab runtime Java error

2018-07-03 Thread Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio
External Email - Use Caution I was thinking it could be a corrupt MCR cache. Could you please: a) Delete /tmp/MCR* directories b) Make sure you've got enough space in /tmp/ Cheers, /Eugenio Juan Eugenio Iglesias Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC) University College L

[Freesurfer] error opening file dlabel/mni/lh.atr_PP_avg33_mni_bbr_end1_dil.nii.gz

2018-07-03 Thread Montserrat Domingo Ayllón
External Email - Use Caution Hi everybody! I have an error in one of my subjects preprocessing error opening file dlabel/mni/lh.atr_PP_avg33_mni_bbr_end1_dil.nii.gz In the dlabel folder of this subject, the mni folder has the half of the items that the rest of subjects have (203

[Freesurfer] Convert text file into surface file?

2018-07-03 Thread Lukas Kunz
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfers, is it possible to convert a text file (containing x/y/z-coordinates and corresponding values) into a Freesurfer surface file to display it on a standard volume (e.g., fsaverage)? Thanks in advance! Luke _

Re: [Freesurfer] Anterior / Posterior Partition in Hippocampus parcellation atlas

2018-07-03 Thread Dev vasu
External Email - Use Caution Dear Sir, I was able to generate segmentations as cited in the module , I am able obtain segmentations for CA1 posterior Head and CA1 Posterior body , along with CA1 head and CA1 body , what does non posterior parcellations of CA1 head and body indica

Re: [Freesurfer] How to run freesurfer on steps 1 to 12

2018-07-03 Thread Bruce Fischl
yes, you can run every step individually if you want to. Note that at the very end of autorecon3 we do update the aseg using the surface locations, which helps the voxel-based segmentation of cortical gray matter significantly, but maybe that doesn't matter to you. Check the recon-all --help t

[Freesurfer] glmfit-sim FWHM 34?

2018-07-03 Thread Backhausen, Lea
External Email - Use Caution Dear FreeSurfer experts, I am trying to do vertex-wise comparisons for thickness, surface area and volume between three groups with glmfit. Currently I am using the dev version ( freesurfer-darwin-OSX-ElCapitan-dev-20180627-4a8f901 )

Re: [Freesurfer] glmfit-sim FWHM 34?

2018-07-03 Thread Douglas N. Greve
How much did you smooth by? Is this thickness, area, or volume? Also, in general, you should not be using dev since it is an uncontrolled distribution (ie, there are many things in there that have not been tested). Also, I'm encouraging people to use permutation rather than monte-carlo-based

Re: [Freesurfer] Convert text file into surface file?

2018-07-03 Thread Douglas N. Greve
possible but not easy. You will need to get the surface vertex index number that maps to a given xyz. The easiest way to do that is to create a label, then use mri_label2label with the --paint option. You will still need to convert your xyz into the coordinates used on fsaverage. See https://su

Re: [Freesurfer] Problem with FreeSurfer

2018-07-03 Thread Douglas N. Greve
On 07/02/2018 01:48 AM, Soan Duong wrote: > > > Dear FreeSurfer, > > My name is Soan Duong. I used FreeSurfer to segmentation some > high-resolution T1w images (resolution of 0.5x0.533x0.533, size of > 288x378x420), and got a couple of problems: > > 1.I ran the command: recon-all -i

Re: [Freesurfer] After v.5.3 to v.6.0 update octave set up doesn't work

2018-07-03 Thread Patrycja Naumczyk
External Email - Use Caution Hi all, I'll repost - does FSv6 no longer support octave for FS-Fast processing? Would appreciate clarification on this :) Patrycja 2018-06-29 21:41 GMT+02:00 Patrycja Naumczyk : > Hi all, > > I just switched from FS 5.3 to 6.0 on Gentoo Linux. Prev

Re: [Freesurfer] After v.5.3 to v.6.0 update octave set up doesn't work

2018-07-03 Thread Douglas N. Greve
Sorry for the delay. I've put a new version here copy it to $FREESURFER_HOME/fsfast/bin On 07/03/2018 12:13 PM, Patrycja Naumczyk wrote: > > > Hi all, > > I'll repost - does FSv6 no longer support octave for FS-Fast processing? > > Wo

Re: [Freesurfer] recon.all strange run time

2018-07-03 Thread Douglas N. Greve
Is it really high res? Was there a big defect? Can you send the log file? On 06/28/2018 12:44 PM, Ottavio Morciano wrote: > > > > > > Hi!I have a macbook pro MY 2014 with a Intel Core i7(quad core,2.7 > ghz) and 16 gb of ram with El Capitan.This Macbook to run recon-all it > takes 47 hours with

Re: [Freesurfer] After v.5.3 to v.6.0 update octave set up doesn't work

2018-07-03 Thread Patrycja Naumczyk
External Email - Use Caution Douglas, thanks a lot - unfortunately this still doesn't work - it stops at the same cause: mkcontrast-sess -analysis PASAT.sm5.lh -contrast test -a 1 -c 0 INFO: Found 2 Non-Null Conditions INFO: Found 3 Delays Condition Weights: 1.000

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_glmfit for first level ?

2018-07-03 Thread Douglas N. Greve
It is just a GLM fitter, so it will take any data. Is this fMRI? Why not use a specific tool for that? On 06/27/2018 08:51 AM, Evelyn Eger wrote: > > > Dear Freesurfer experts, > > I would like to know whether mri_glmfit can be used to estimate > first-level (single subject) models as well or

Re: [Freesurfer] MRI2MESH Yielding Abnormal Volumes

2018-07-03 Thread Douglas N. Greve
I don't know anything mri2mesh. Have you tried contacting the developers of that? Our equivalent tool is called mkheadsurf On 06/26/2018 02:59 PM, Palig Mouradian wrote: > > > Hi Freesurfer, > > I am working on creating head models using the add-on mri2mesh command > that incorporates free surfe

Re: [Freesurfer] After v.5.3 to v.6.0 update octave set up doesn't work

2018-07-03 Thread Douglas N. Greve
questions answered below On 07/03/2018 01:14 PM, Patrycja Naumczyk wrote: > > External Email - Use Caution > > Douglas, > > thanks a lot - unfortunately this still doesn't work - it stops at the > same cause: > > mkcontrast-sess -analysis PASAT.sm5.lh -contrast test -a 1 -c 0 > INFO: Foun

[Freesurfer] recon-all -s 1 exited with ERRORS

2018-07-03 Thread Bernardo Regal
External Email - Use Caution Hello FreeSurfer Developers, I have a problem to convert the files using the recon-all. It appears, recon-all -s 1 exited with ERRORS. Before I had the last version (stable v6.0.0). As I did not find a solution of how to fix this problem, so I decided

Re: [Freesurfer] After v.5.3 to v.6.0 update octave set up doesn't work

2018-07-03 Thread Patrycja Naumczyk
External Email - Use Caution Douglas, thank you for clarifying. The problem is that both when $FS_MKCON_USE_BIN is not defined and when it is set to '0' mkcontrast2 asks for MATLAB path (as in my previous mail). What should I do to make it use octave instead? Best regards, Patry

Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all -s 1 exited with ERRORS

2018-07-03 Thread Douglas N. Greve
Your recon-all command line is not correct, try something like recon-all -s mysubject -i /home/regal/Data/Subjects/test_old_version/01C_dislebi_T1.nii -all On 07/03/2018 01:29 PM, Bernardo Regal wrote: > > External Email - Use Caution > > Hello FreeSurfer Developers, > > I have a probl

Re: [Freesurfer] After v.5.3 to v.6.0 update octave set up doesn't work

2018-07-03 Thread Douglas N. Greve
Are you sure you're using the new one? I've tested it on my system, and it works. On 07/03/2018 01:33 PM, Patrycja Naumczyk wrote: > > External Email - Use Caution > > Douglas, > > thank you for clarifying. The problem is that both when > $FS_MKCON_USE_BIN is not defined and when it is s

[Freesurfer] mri_Coreg or bbregister

2018-07-03 Thread John Anderson
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer experts, I have ten PET frames for every subject in my database. these frames represent specific time during PET acquisition. Due to head motion during acquisition the frames are not fully overlapped on top of each other. I created tem

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_Coreg or bbregister

2018-07-03 Thread Douglas N. Greve
mri_coreg is the right one for that job On 07/03/2018 01:51 PM, John Anderson wrote: > > Dear Freesurfer experts, > > I have ten PET frames for every subject in my database. these frames > represent specific time during PET acquisition. Due to head motion > during acquisition the frames are n

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_Coreg or bbregister

2018-07-03 Thread John Anderson
External Email - Use Caution Hi Dr Greve, If the individual PET frames are named: frame1.nii frame2.nii, frame3.nii ... frame10.nii, and the mean for all the ten frames is "frames_mean.nii" I ran mri_corg on one of the fames as follows: mri_coreg --mov frame1.nii --ref frame

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_Coreg or bbregister

2018-07-03 Thread Douglas N. Greve
You have to do it for each frame. Use reg.lta instead of reg.dat. You can apply it with mri_vol2vol --mov frame1.nii --reg reg1.lta --o frame1.reg.nii This will use trilinear interpolation by default, but that is probably ok here. On 07/03/2018 02:29 PM, John Anderson wrote: > > > Hi Dr Greve,

Re: [Freesurfer] After v.5.3 to v.6.0 update octave set up doesn't work

2018-07-03 Thread Patrycja Naumczyk
External Email - Use Caution OK - I double checked, and even compared the new mkcontrast2 with the old one to verify that I copied all as I should (see below). Still the mkcontrast2 exits when checking $FS_MKCON_USE_BIN with the same error message (no matter if this variable is und

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_Coreg or bbregister

2018-07-03 Thread John Anderson
External Email - Use Caution Dear Dr Greve – I am immensely impressed with the results. thank you so much for all of your help!!! Regards john You have to do it for each frame. Use reg.lta instead of reg.dat. You can apply it with mri_vol2vol --mov frame1.nii --reg reg1.lta --o