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I reran after adding ">> log", it went through...
It's strange that it won't run without >>log
Thank you.
On 6/9/18, 10:15 PM, "freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu on behalf of
Bruce Fischl" wrote:
hmmm, I don't. Does your disk
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I offered to help a colleague with some Freesurfer analyses, but when I looked
at the data they were processing, I found:
1) highly anisotropic voxdims
2) sub-mm in-plane resolution
Data were acquired on a 3T Siemens Tim Trio. I don't think they were t
Hi Rujing
have you looked the the stats file in each subject's stats dir? They
should contain these measures in text format.
On Sun, 10 Jun 2018,
charujing123 wrote:
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Hi FS experts and Bruce
I have done the recon-all, and -qcache
Hi Jenifer
sometime scanners will upsample by zero-padding on the scanner. This
doesn't actually create any information, but some clinicians like it. That
is, your underlying data may actually be close to 1mm iso, even though the
in plane is apparently 0.48mm. You can probably tell this visual
also in the stats dir (check aseg.stats)
On Mon, 11 Jun 2018, charujing123
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Hi Bruce and FS experts,
I have resolved that question. another one is that how to get subcortical gray
volume or thickness?