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Dear FreeSurfer experts,
Am analysing longitudinal structural data with the LME model algorithm. I
will like to map the significant cluster after analysing the data to all
subjects at all time points, extract the values for all and perform further
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Hi Andrew,
I installed the development version and everything ran correctly to
completion as you suggested.
On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 1:08 PM, Hoopes, Andrew
> Hi Matt, this issue should be fixed in the freesurfer development ver
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Hello Bruce,
1) I converted the my mri data from ALS to RAI orientation through command
"mri_convert --out_orientation RAI inputALS.nii outputRAI.nii"
2) Then i gave a run for free-surfer, using recon-all command. After successful
run of free-surfer
I exported a freesurfer mesh to PLY format to do some computation and have
exported the PLY surface back to an fsmesh.
How do I put back the volume geometry information into the mesh surface?
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi Freesurfers,
I used the command mris_preproc to have all the surfaces of my cohort
concatenated in fs average and I obtained this error message from several of my
#@# 3/11 MS073_R01_05/Bay8_3T/fs/MS073_R01_05 Fri May 11 14:24:58 EDT 2018
Hi Ritesh
you need to give us much more information if we are to be able to help
you. We need the exact command you ran, the full screen output of the
command, and the contents of the subjects recon-all.log file in
On Fri, 11 May 2018, Ritesh Mahajan wrote:
Hi Padma
I think if you use mris_convert -vol-geom it will copy the voluem
geometry from the mri volume you specify
On Fri, 11 May 2018,
padma wrote:
I exported a freesurfer mesh to PLY format to do some computation and have
exported the PLY surface back to an fsmesh.
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In many of our studies there appears to be a pial/wm surface associated with
the optic chiasm. (See attached). Do these need to be corrected?
If so, is it best to remove from the brainmask.mgz or from the wm.mgz?
"The materials in this email are
Hi Jim
it probably doesn't matter, except for aesthetics
On Fri, 11 May 2018, Alexopoulos, Dimitrios
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In many of our studies there appears to be a pial/wm surface associated with
the optic chiasm. (See
attached). Do these ne
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Hi, freesurfer experts,
As I mentioned in my last email, I see no answer. I think it is possible that
my description is not clear enough.
I used qdec to compare the cortical thickness of two groups and tried to
correct for multiple comparisons using
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Hi Bruce,
I sent you the whole directory if one subject un which we had some problems
extending the pial surface. Se would like extend the pial surface without
affect the wm boundary.
Did you have a chance to review It?
Thanks in advance,
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