[Freesurfer] freesurfer design

2017-12-04 Thread Dijkshoorn, A.B.C. (Aicha)
Dear freesurfer group, I have two questions: Can I compare one patient with a created control group in Freesurfer on the following outcome measures: cortical thickness, brain volume and gyrification? If so, how can you visualise that? When you do the cortical analysis with freesurfer can you

[Freesurfer] MRI protocol for hippocampal subfield segmentation

2017-12-04 Thread Gabor Perlaki
I've two questions regarding hippocampal subfield segmentation: 1, Is there any article or other document which containes an optimal T2 protocol with detailed sequence parameters for hippocampal subfield segmentation? (eg. BW, echo time, repetition time, FOV, echo train, paralell imaging on/off, .

Re: [Freesurfer] MRI protocol for hippocampal subfield segmentation

2017-12-04 Thread Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio
Hi Gabor, A good place to start is ADNI’s high-res hippocampal T2 protocol. You can find the details on their website. It’s a coronal, anisotropic acquisition of a slab covering the hippocampus (0.4mm in plane, 2mm thickness, 25-30 slices). I’ve been playing a bit with more isotropic acquisition

[Freesurfer] Create surface label from MNI152 Coordinate.

2017-12-04 Thread Bastian Cheng
Dear Freesurfer Experts. Is there a way to create a freesurfer surface label from entering a MNI152 coordinate? I am aware that I can use tcl with tksurfer: mar_vertex X 1 labl_new_from_marked_vertices labl_dilate However as far as I know I can only input vertex numbers, not coordinates. Any

[Freesurfer] subtract CSF

2017-12-04 Thread John Anderson
Dear FS experts, I want to create mask from the atlas "aparc.DKTatlas+aseg.mgz". I need the mask to be free of any CSF or ventricles components. Is there any way to subtract these labels (CSF and ventricles) from the atlas "aparc.DKTatlas+aseg.mgz". Thank you for your help John__

Re: [Freesurfer] MRI protocol for hippocampal subfield segmentation

2017-12-04 Thread Gabor Perlaki
Dear Eugenio, The ADNI protocol is quite similar to the default Siemens highres hippocampus protocol, however I haven't find a more detailed version of this one: http://adni.loni.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ADNI3- MRI-protocols.pdf Do you know a more detailed version of the ADNI protocol?

Re: [Freesurfer] MRI protocol for hippocampal subfield segmentation

2017-12-04 Thread Iglesias Gonzalez, Eugenio
Hi again, You can find the detailed protocols here: http://adni.loni.usc.edu/methods/documents/mri-protocols/ Click on your scanner model (or similar) and search for the sequence “HighResHippcampus”. Regarding the distortion correction: I’ll leave this one for Andre ;-) Cheers, /Eugenio -- Juan E

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_binarize

2017-12-04 Thread Douglas N Greve
you can do it in two steps. First, use mri_binarize to create a mask of the structutures you want. Then use mri_mask to apply the mask to the aparc.DKT file On 12/03/2017 07:44 AM, John Anderson wrote: > Dear FS experts, > I want to use mri_binarize to create (binarized and free of CSF and > v

Re: [Freesurfer] Clarification about "Per-Run" Motion Correction and Registration in Preproc-Sess

2017-12-04 Thread Douglas N Greve
On 12/03/2017 06:35 PM, Taylor, Johnmark wrote: > Hello, > > A few quick questions about the "Per-Run" option in preproc-sess. I > understand that in this option, each run's images are registered to > the middle timepoint of that run, rather than the first timepoint of > the first run. I was w

Re: [Freesurfer] freesurfer design

2017-12-04 Thread Douglas N Greve
In theory, this is just a two "group" analysis. Search the wiki for FSGD to get examples. You can include covariates, but you must use a DOSS model when running mri_glmfit On 12/04/2017 04:41 AM, Dijkshoorn, A.B.C. (Aicha) wrote: > > Dear freesurfer group, > > I have two questions: > > Can I co

Re: [Freesurfer] subcortical structures volume

2017-12-04 Thread Douglas N Greve
Yes, you should take those into account. Not sure what you mean by "which stat analysis". On 12/01/2017 07:50 PM, 郑凤莲 wrote: > Hi professor, > >    I am using Freesurfer 6.0 and get the volume of subcortical > structures. I want to get the relationship between age and volume. I > only have one

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf wrong hemisphere

2017-12-04 Thread Douglas N Greve
How do you know what is right and left in the volume? On 12/01/2017 01:59 PM, Defenderfer, Matthew K wrote: > > Hi, > > I have a strange issue I can't figure out. I am currently trying to > use the parcellation from Gordon et al. 2014 > (http://www.nil.wustl.edu/labs/petersen/Resources.html) to

Re: [Freesurfer] Concatenating .mgh surface space functional MRI runs

2017-12-04 Thread Douglas N Greve
mri_concat file1 file2 ... --o concatfile.mgh On 11/30/2017 01:28 PM, Abisan - wrote: > Hi Freesurfer experts, > > I want to concatenate multiple preprocessed fMRI runs in the form of > .mgh freesurfer surface space files (2-D matrices vertexes * > time_frames). Is there a tool that can do this

Re: [Freesurfer] QDEC and comparing two conditions

2017-12-04 Thread Douglas N Greve
If you want to do a conjunction, you can run mri_concat with the --conjunct option (see --help for more details). If you want to look at simple overlap, you can threshold each sig map (mri_binarize), then combine them together something like fscalc map2.bin.nii.gz mul 2 add map1.bin.nii.gz -o o

Re: [Freesurfer] Combining parcellated regions within an atlas?

2017-12-04 Thread Douglas N Greve
You can break the annotation into separate labels (mri_annotation2label), then merge the ones you want into a single label (mri_mergelabels), then recombine them into an annotation (mris_label2annot) On 11/29/2017 10:03 PM, Michiko H. wrote: > Hi Freesurfer Experts, > > I was wondering what the

Re: [Freesurfer] Overlaying multiple results onto one surface

2017-12-04 Thread Douglas N Greve
I think you would need to figure out what such a combination would look  like. Eg, you could have a separate label for each possible combination contrasts above threshold, though this would create a combinatorial explosion. On 11/29/2017 02:48 PM, Nguyen, Tin wrote: > > Hello, > > I have been

[Freesurfer] (no subject)

2017-12-04 Thread Myriam Oliver
help unsubscribe ___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is addressed. If you believe this e-mail w

Re: [Freesurfer] subcortical structures volume

2017-12-04 Thread 郑凤莲
Hi Greve, Thanks for your help. I have 28 females and 26 males in one group. If it is necessary to take gender and eTIV as a covariate, I don't know how to take them as covariate in SPSS. Subcortical volume can be divided by eTIV, but for gender, I don't know how to do. And the mean age of

Re: [Freesurfer] subcortical structures volume

2017-12-04 Thread 郑凤莲
Hi Bruce, For subcortical volume, gender is not as a covariate(28 femaless and 26 males). Then, is it necessary to take gender as a covariate for cortical thickness, volume and surface area in qdec? Sincerely, Zheng At 2017-12-02 11:45:10, "Bruce Fischl" wrote: >Hi Zheng > >For vol