thanks a lot for your help
On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 6:51 PM, Bruce Fischl
> Hi Hessam
> yes, check the stats subdir for each subject (e.g. stats/aseg.stats)
> cheers
> Bruuce
> On Sun,
> 24 Sep 2017, Z Hessam wrote:
> >
> > Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
> >
> > I can't a
Hi Paul
if you use a property (like gm) to drive intersubject registration it then
becomes difficult to also analyze it. If your warp was truly perfect you
could just analyze the properties of the warp, but even then it is hard to
localize effects (e.g. if you changed the smoothness of the war
Hello Bruce,
Thank you very much. Can I still general cortical and subcortical maps with the
Spherical warp of r/lh.white surface? If yes, please what are the steps to
achieve this? can I still analyze it with mri_glm?
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
Original Message
Hi Paul
I guess you could use CVS for this.
On Sat, 14 Oct 2017, miracle ozzoude
Hello Bruce,
Thank you very much. Can I still general cortical and subcortical maps with the
Spherical warp of r/lh.white surface? If yes, please what are the steps to
achieve this? can
I've used `bbregister` to generate a transform `bold2T1.lta` from `bold.nii` to
`T1.mgz` (assume we have a `T1.nii` as well for the sake of ANTs).
The following produces a well-aligned output:
mri_convert --apply_transform bold2T1.lta bold.nii bold_space-T1.nii
As does the following:
Hello Bruce,
Thank you for the response. I was able to look into CVS command and I wrote
a command on how to register each subjects to cvs_avg35_inMNI152 template
using the following: mri_cvs_register --mov subID --mni
/Application/freesurfer/subjects/cvs_avg35_inMNI152/T1.mgz --step1 --step2
Dear all,
I have custom ROI mask ( MNI Space ) that i have prepared from Jülich
atlas , I would be like to obtain corresponding surface label file, Could
you please guide me necessary the steps that i have to follow inorder to
obtain corresponding label for my mask.