Dear experts,
I need a binarized wm mask for my analysis. The wm.mgz volume includes
subcortical structures so I would like to use the aseg.mgz volume. I was
hoping someone could give me instructions (command-line) on how to binarize
aseg.mgz so that the wm=1 and everything else is 0.
Thank you i
Hi Antonin
Thank you for your reply.
Here is what I did:
1. tkregister2 --mgz --s
x140214_b02_0917040_3_1_wipmp2rage0p8mmsenseV42_reOrient --fstal
2. manual registration (see attached file “before_recon-all_talairach.xfm”)
3. re-run recon-all, which is: recon-all -s
Dear freesurfer experts,
I have a mixed 2x2 design with group (approx. 18 subjects per group) and
timepoint (t0, t1) as factors. I analyzed the thickness data with the
longitudinal stream and the spatiotemporal LME as a random intercept
model, age as covariate. However, the model does not conv
Dear Clemens,
I am almost out of ideas, since the behaviour is contrary to my expectations.
I would expect that if you run your recon by
recon-all -s subject_id -all
the files you named
before_recon-all_talairach.xfm and after_recon-all_alairach.xfm
should be identical.
Could you assure th
Dear FreeSurfer,
We have been discussing the mean curvature provided by FreeSurfer software. As
i understand the mean curvature is measured as 1/r and has a unit of 1/mm.
a) What is the curvature an expression of? Is it the degree of folding of the
brain and is it the white matter surface
Dear Clemens,
I now see where is the problem:
The current implementation of recon-all -talairach step is quite complicated,
as far as I understand:
The -talairach registration step produces If the
talairach.xfm exists, it is not overwritten by (unless
Hi Mackenzie
if you upload a couple of subjects (their entire subject dir, tarred and
gzipped) to our ftp site (directions at:
I'll see what I can do
On Tue, 15 Aug 2017, Leavitt, Mackenzie wrote:
Our instit
HI Hyon-Ah
if your question is how to you compute the mean thickness for an ROI, if
you have it in .label format you can simply call
mris_anatomical_stats -l
On Wed, 16 Aug
2017, Yi,
Hyon-Ah wrote:
Dear FS experts
I’m wondering whether there are ways of getting the sing
Hi Elizabeth
check out the help of mri_binarize. I think something like:
mri_binarize --all-wm --i aseg.mgz --o aseg.wm.mgz
should do the trick
On Wed, 16 Aug
2017, Elizabeth Dao wrote:
> Dear experts,
> I need a binarized wm mask for my analysis. The wm.mgz volume includes
> su
Hi Kaspar
if you mean the values we store in the ?h.curv files, those are the
spatially smoothed mean curvature (average of the two principal
a). it is of the white surface, but you can use mris_curvature to compute
the curv of the pial if you want
b) an increase in the curva
Hi Bruce,
I've uploaded the subject through FileDrop. Thanks for your help.
On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Bruce Fischl
> HI Elizabeth
> that should definitely not happen. Something must have gone pretty
> dramatically wrong. If you upload the subject I'll take a look
Curvature does not really connect simply to folding, although they are
of course related. Nonetheless, one cannot make universal statements
like "A curvature means an in
folding". Consider for example a pathology like poly-microgryria where
numerous small "bumps" might appear on a brain surf
Hi Dr Greve,
On a similar note, can I use the Petsurfer on PET data that have already been
averaged into a single frame 3D volume instead of 4D? Example, SUVR and BPND
Thanks for your help again.
On Tuesday, August 15, 2017, 9:09:33 AM GMT+1, Shane Schofield
Hello Dr Greve,
I hav
SUVR you can. BP is a little trickier because BP estimation is a
nonlinear operation that can be biased by noise. Probably it comes out
On 08/16/2017 02:50 PM, Shane Schofield wrote:
> Hi Dr Greve,
> On a similar note, can I use the Petsurfer on PET data that have
> already been a
The Freesurfer segmentation for hypointensities is very good, but misses on
some subjects, i.e. it does not include large chunks of hypointense regions in
some subjects. It does fantastic picking up the periventricular
hypointensities, but appears to fail on some deep WM regions. I just
posting the response to the list: The problem is that femalezero and
femaletwo only have 4 and 3 subjects, respectively. As you are trying to
estimate 4 slopes + an intercept, you will need at least 5 subjects per
On 08/16/2017 03:27 PM, Sullivan, Danielle Renee wrote:
> Hi Do
It has the design matrix plus a lot of other stuff in it. For parametric
modulation, have you seen this page
On 08/15/2017 09:52 PM, Kevin Aquino wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a question regarding the output from selxavg3-sess.
That means that the surfaces are out of sync. the -make-all only works
in certain circumstances. You can delete everything in the surf folder
(it should all be recreated anyway with -autorecon2-cp)
On 08/15/2017 10:04 PM, Bronwyn Overs wrote:
> Dear mailing list,
> I am trying to batch a seri
not that I know of. You can merge the desired labels into one
(mri_merge_labels) and then compute the mean in the merged label
On 08/15/2017 11:56 PM, Yi, Hyon-Ah wrote:
> Dear FS experts
> I’m wondering whether there are ways of getting the single value of ROIs.
> I mean to get the value
That is the automatic failure detection for the talairach registration
that is throwing the error. This checks the reg matrix against a sample
of normal data. If the subject is in at a funny angle, then this can
fail even if the registration is ok. You can just turn it off with
Okay I understand.
So I ideally would like to do the PetSurfer before actually working on the
BPND but I already got them in the BPND format as well as the raw dynamic
images. I tried to obtain the BPND data out from PetSurfer myself, but then I
realise I don't any time.dat with me.mri_glmfit
Thanks for that Doug,
[I was hoping i could do the parametric modulation in the contrast weights
-- SPM style of doing this after the betas were fit].
Regarding the X.mat question, sorry I wasn't clear. I can see it has the
nuisance regressors and constant terms, but is that x.mat used to estimat
Hi Douglas,
Thanks for your reply. I followed your suggestion and deleted everything in the
surf folder for each subject. I am not getting the following error:
Reading source surface reg /workingdata/ID_001/surf/lh.sphere.reg
No such file or directory
mri_surf2surf: could not read surface /worki
Dear freesurfer mailing list,
I have been running the recon-all -long command and received the following
#@# Surf Reg lh Wed Aug 16 18:07:26 AEST 2017
Hi again list,
Sorry I made a mistake. The lh.sphere.reg and lh.smoothwm are both in the base
image directory, but I’m still receiving the mismatch error. Partial ls -l
displayed below:
[b.overs@katana surf]$ ls -l $SUBJECTS_DIR/BASEID_001/surf
total 120260
-rw-rw-r-- 1 b.overs GroupID 4554
Dear Doug ,,
thanks for your suggestion ..
I have more questions.
1. If then, I can get merged label using mir_mergelabels, As it is ' . label
file', so I should run mris_label2annot and mis_anatomical_stats ?
2. is it possible to get the merged value of rh & lh ?
Hyon-Ah ..
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