I have made edits to aseg files in the longitudinal outputs
(participantID.long.participantID-temp). I am beginning the reconstruction
phase and as suggested by a response to an earlier post I am running:
recon-all -long tpN1 template ID -autorecon2-noaseg -autorecon3, where tpN1
is cross-s
Hi again,
I figured it out- converted .mgz to nii.gz with "mri_convert", then gunzip
the nii.gz files, and get the file with the labels as a brain map.
Thanks for the direction!
-- Forwarded message --
From: עדיאל חרבש
Date: 2017-07-24 9:11 GMT+03:00
Subject: Re: [Freesurf
Hi Adiel
in matlab you could do something like:
[v,M,mr] = load_mgh('aseg.mgz');
left_hippo_indices = find(v == 17);
where the '17' comes from $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt and is
the index for left hippocampus.
Is that would you mean? Or you could u
Hi Bruce,
It may really help to shorten and ease the procedure, thanks.
I see that I should clone all your matlab repository to use this function?
I will look over mri_extract_labels as well.
2017-07-24 17:02 GMT+03:00 Bruce Fischl :
> Hi Adiel
> in matlab you could do something
Hello freesurfer experts,
I am trying to use an occipital lobe template adapted to my data as several
surface and volume files, and there seems to be a problem with the surface
files. Whenever I try to open a surface overlay (in .mgz format) in freeview
this error comes up;
freadFloat: fread f
On 7/21/17 5:24 AM, Jordi Pegueroles wrote:
> Thank you Doug. So, instead of running mri_surfcluster I should run
> mri_glmfit-sim with the --fwhm-override with the smoothing obtained
> from the residuals of the lme model.
> Thanks again,
> A 2017-07-18 22:09, Douglas N Greve escrigué:
If you want all the coordinates for a given segment (eg, left hippo),
then you can run mri_cor2label --i aparc+aseg.mgz --id 17 --l file.label
17 comes from $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt
The coordinates will be in "tkregister space" which you can convert to
MNI305 using the info from
HI Adiel
we distribute all our matlab scripts as part of FreeSurfer
On Mon, 24 Jul
2017, עדיאל חרבש wrote:
Hi Bruce,
It may really help to shorten and ease the procedure, thanks.
I see that I should clone all your matlab repository to use this function?
I will look over mri_ext
Hi Idil,
we only store surface overlays in .mgz not surfaces themselves. Try loading
a surface (like lh.inflated) then load whatever you were looking at as an
overlay on the surface
On Mon, 24 Jul 2017, Yagmur Ozdemir 19 wrote:
> Hello freesurfer experts,
> I am trying to use
Dear Freesurfer Experts,
My apologies for what is admittedly a very simple question, however I have not
been able to find an answer on the forum.
We are running some analyses in an older version of Freesurfer (5.0) to compare
the results to some earlier work. When I run asegstats2table for all
They are the same measures. We changed the name because "Cortical" WM
does not make sense:). In v6, we slightly changed the way it is
computed, but the difference should be pretty small.
On 7/24/17 3:52 PM, Dowling, Kevin Francis wrote:
Dear Freesurfer Experts,
My apologies for what is admit
Try using mri_label2label with the --paint option. I think the vertex
numbers need to be -1 (not random numbers). You will also need to
convert the RAS to "tkregisterRAS", one of our internal coordinate
systems. See
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/CoordinateSystems, you'll need
to do
That makes sense. And thanks for the suggestion! I tried running
permutation test with the following command:
mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir r_PCC_glm --sim perm 1 1.3 perm.abs.1.3
--sim-sign abs
The results are empty maps for all the contrasts I have, which I did not
expect, since some of the contra
On 7/24/17 4:12 PM, Jiahe Zhang wrote:
That makes sense. And thanks for the suggestion! I tried running
permutation test with the following command:
mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir r_PCC_glm --sim perm 1 1.3 perm.abs.1.3
--sim-sign abs
The results are empty maps for all the contrasts I have, whi
Hi Freesurfer Experts,
Currently, I am using these command excited in Matlab to extract the
coordinates of volume.
*mri = MRIread('aseg.mgz');pos = find(mri.vol == 17 | mri.vol == 53);*
*[i,j,k] = ind2sub(mri.volsize,pos);*
I would like to run these command in the Freesurfer itself rather than
15 matches
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