Hi Ajay,
Make sure you have to run palm_hemisplit on the outputs first, i.e.:
palm_hemisplit bh.thickness_*
Note that the "-o bh.thickness" was a somewhat poor choice of outputs as
now it's necessary to use the underscore ("_") to avoid overwriting
original inputs; for future runs, consider some
Thanks! It's working now!
On Sunday, September 18, 2016 10:34 PM, Leila Reddy wrote:
Hi Bruce,Thanks for your reply.
Does anyone on the list have access to the tar file of the latest dev build
that they could put on some other site or in a public Dropbox folder? I totally
changed my
Hi Cong
we are experiencing serious disk problems at Martinos, so the ftp site is
Try changing the values for mri_segment also. Note that what you are
seeing are NOT topological defects as mris_make_surfaces preserves the
input topology whatever its settings. Make sure to look in 3D an
Thanks Bruce.
On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Bruce Fischl
> Hi Alan
> make sure matlab is in your path. You can check by typing:
> which matlab
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Fri, 16 Sep 2016, Alan Francis wrote:
> Hi Marie -
>> I have MATLAB and the Image processing toolbox on
Hello freesurfers,
We've seen some poor surface reconstructions due to local inhomogeneities
that remain in the brainmask volume. We see omission of significant
portions of brain tissue due to signal fall off (both gray and white voxels
are darker than in surrounding area) that we are unable to cur
Hi Jason
this is what control points are designed to fix. Why don't they help?
Tue, 20 Sep 2016, Jason Tourville wrote:
> Hello freesurfers,We've seen some poor surface reconstructions due to local
> inhomogeneities that remain in the brainmask volume. We see omission of
> significant p
Hi all,
after doing GLM analysis I'm trying to run freeview to see results, but I
get this warning:
Surface does not contain valid volume geometry information. It may not
align with volumes and other surfaces.
What's wrong?
I'm using 5.1 version.
Thanks to all.
Dott.ssa Claudia D
Hi Claudia
you need to send us your full command line and the various other
information we ask for when reporting issues (operating system, etc..)
Tue, 20 Sep 2016, Claudia Dacquino wrote:
Hi all, after doing GLM analysis I'm trying to run freeview to see results,
but I get
I am getting a bit confused from the mailing archive on how to properly map
volume fmri data into surface fsaverage5.
1. Should I map the volume fmri into individual surface first and then to
fsaverage, or I won't loose data if I map it directly to fsaverage5?
2. Should I smooth the data whe