Hi Ajay,
To open the .mgz files produced by PALM you would first load the surface in
FreeView (at the top of the left panel, click on "Surface" then on the
button with a "+" sign), then after the surface has been loaded, in the
menu "Overlay" in the left panel, select "Load generic..." and load th
> Hi Doug and all,
I just resend this email in case it did not reach, any help will be
> Thanks for your help. I was using the preprocessed thinking that after
> motion correction it would be more accurate and --init-header because they
> where acquired in the same session.
Hi Freesurfer users,
I wrote a script to automatize taking screenshots in Freeview. Unfortunately,
in the 3d view the colored slices are automatically included in the picture.
Is there a way to hide them? I am using the current 5.3 version of Freesurfer.
I know that the development build incl
Hi Jessica,
There is no such command-line option in version 5.3. Sorry.
> On Sep 16, 2016, at 10:44 AM, j.oschw...@psychologie.uzh.ch wrote:
> Hi Freesurfer users,
> I wrote a script to automatize taking screenshots in Freeview. Unfortunately,
> in the 3d view the colored slice
Hi Marie -
I have MATLAB and the Image processing toolbox on my MAC. Unfortunately, I
am unable to get FreeSurfer to recognize this (see below) , so I am getting
an error. Is there any way to overcome this?
afrancis-mac:~ afrancis$ export FREESURFER_HOME=/Applications/freesurfer
Hi Alan
make sure matlab is in your path. You can check by typing:
which matlab
On Fri, 16 Sep
2016, Alan Francis wrote:
Hi Marie -
I have MATLAB and the Image processing toolbox on my MAC. Unfortunately, I
am unable to get FreeSurfer to recognize this (see below) , so I am
Hi Doug
Thanks for the information. Could you however upload it again as the files are
unavailable atm? Due to congresses and holiday, I was not able to download it
in time.
Thank you in advance and sorry for the incovenience,
On 05/07/16 19:17, "freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.h
Hi,I get an error with mri_nu_correct.mni. I've seen on the FS wiki that this
is because I have a new version of perl and that I should download the
development version. However, I cannot access this page
(nothing happens on a linux mach
Dear Freesurfer group,
I am going to divide a brain parcellation into divisions using
mris_divide_parcellation. As far as I know from the help comment, this function
"divides one or more parcellations into divisions perpendicular to the long
axis of the label". Is there any other program that do
I have 3 participant groups in my data set, all with 2 longitudinal time
points approximately evenly spaced. I've run everyone through the
longitudinal pipeline, and used the Monte Carlo simulation to find a
cluster that differs in SPC between groups 1 and 2. Now I want to calculate
the averag
Hi Leila
we are experiencing disk problems at Martinos, which are probably causing
this issue
sorry, not sure when it will be fixed
On Fri, 16 Sep 2016, Leila
Reddy wrote:
> Hi,
> I get an error with mri_nu_correct.mni. I've seen on the FS wiki that this
> is because I have a new versi
Dear FreeSurfer Team,
I heard that FreeSurfer could calculate the Gaussian curvature and Mean
curvature by vertex level.
Do the computed curvature values be saved as the subject/surf/lh.curv or
rh.curv files?
When I prepared the generated mass-univariate data, I used the mris_preproc
with [-
how would you like them divided? You can also use
mris_make_face_parcellation to make units of approximately equal area
(either in the individual or in the group)
On Fri, 16 Sep 2016, Mamashli,
Fahimeh wrote:
Dear Freesurfer group,
I am going to divide a brain parcellation into divisions usin
Hi Han
the files ?h.curv contain the spatially smoothed mean curvature. You can
compute the mean or Gaussian (or principal) curvatures of any surface
using the mris_curvature command.
On Fri, 16 Sep 2016, Hanbyul Cho wrote:
Dear FreeSurfer Team,
I heard that FreeSurfer co
Hi Rachel,
yes, there is a difference if you compute SPC of the average thickness in an
ROI or if you average the SPC computed on a vertex level.
For the second, you can use long_mris_surf to map your third group to fsaverage
and compute SPC, there is an option to write out the stack, then usi
Dear Bruce Fischl,
Thank you for your explanation.
I think I could not yet fully understand the 'curv' files.
After processed this command,
recon-all -s -i -all
the output files were follow as,
I wonder all these output fil
Hi Han
the ?h.curv files are the mean curvature of the white matter surface with a
Gaussian smoothing kernel applied to it over space. The ?h.curv.pial is the
same thing for the pial surface. The ?h.inflated.H is the (unsmoothed)
curvature of the inflated surface, and the ?h.inflated.K is the
Hi Freesurfer team,
I'm trying to run a longitudinal group analysis (2 groups, 2 time points) using
the paired analysis procedure:
I have followed all the instructions but when it comes to the mri_glmfit, it
says that my contrast file
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