Doug- I did try
mris_convert -o $SUBJECTS_DIR/FSsub/surf/lh.white
I still get freadFloat: frear failed error.
On separate note: Is is possible to convert these FSFAST generated files
not sure, maybe one of the HCP folks could weigh in. You might try
converting the lh.nii.gz to mgh file first. Should not make a
difference, but it might
On 9/14/16 10:24 AM, Sabin Khadka wrote:
Doug- I did try
mris_convert -o $SUBJECTS_DIR/FSsub/surf/lh.white
Hi John,
Do tkmedit and tksurfer work by themselves? You can try this by running the
following commands (assuming your SUBJECTS_DIR is set to the location
containinng your subject ALS-0038):
tkmedit ALS-0038 norm.mgz
tksurfer ALS-0038 rh pial
On Tue, 13 Sep 2016, John Anderson w
Dear fellow FreeSurfer users,
I can't get a subject to recon-all all the way through without crashing,
regardless of the FS version used (deleted and started from scratch several
It always fails with a Talairach transform fail error.
Wondering if anybody else has experienced this issue
Hello freesurfer experts,
I am trying to run tracula on subjects that have separate AP/PA direction
DTI files. We combined the data into one using topup, and would now like to
run tracula on the subject. The problem is, the combined file doesn't have
a bvals/bvecs file. When I try to use the origi
Hi, Freesurfer Users.
I tried searching for this question on the mailing list but couldn't get an
answer. Hence, I am posting this here again.
I ran the freesurfer analysis and got cortical thickness map for my group.
I want to build an adjacency matrix by finding the correlation between the
Hello freesurfer experts,
I am trying to register a functional volumetric image (.nii) into a surface
(.gii) to produce a functional surface image (.gii), where each node of the
image will contain a time-series. My purpose for doing this is to use
freeview to visualize the time-series of each n
Hi Fred
have you checked the transform to see if it actually failed? If not, you
can just turn off the checking. If it did, you can manually correct it
(or run without it)
On Wed, 14 Sep 2016, Uquillas, Federico D'Oleire wrote:
> Dear fellow FreeSurfer users,
> I can't get a su
Hi Bruce,
Thanks so much.
So, how would I check if it actually failed or not?
How would I turn off the checking?
How would I manually correct it?
Would running without it be essentially the same as turning off the checking
> On Sep 14, 2016, at 15:59, Bruce Fisch
Hi FreeSurfer experts,
I'm running a task-based analysis on mni305 space, running a regression of
load-dependent activation on RBC folate values, regressing out the effects of
age and gender.
The analysis runs fine, but when I visualize the sig.mgh map in tkmedit there
is a border of functiona
Hi Marissa - You have to specify as many b-values and gradient vectors as
there are volumes in your DWI data file. This means that, if you combine
the AP and PA volumes, you also have to concatenate the bvals from the two
into one file, and do the same with the bvecs. Make sure that the order
Hi Dough,
Thanks for your help. I was using the preprocessed thinking that after
motion correction it would be more accurate and --init-header because they
where acquired in the same session. I changed to a raw moveable and the
results did not change for the following:
With -init-fsl the moveable
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