[Freesurfer] Fwd: mri_glmfit: Cannot allocate memory

2016-09-01 Thread Heidi Foo
Dear FreeSurfer team, I apologize for posting this again. I tried to run glm_fit to fit group membership. For this model, I have 3 diagnostic groups namely, HC, MCI, AD, and added lobar (Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, Temporal) WMH as the covariates. My contrasts are as follow: Group membership:

Re: [Freesurfer] 3 fixed factors and matrix design

2016-09-01 Thread Anderson M. Winkler
Hi Shady, Try assembling the design as this: EV1: Group 1 (coded as 0/1) EV2: Group 2 (coded as 0/1) EV3: Group 3 (coded as 0/1) EV4: Sex (coded as +1/-1) EV5: Site (coded as +1/-1) The contrasts to compare the three groups are then: C1: [1 -1 0 0 0] C2: [1 0 -1 0 0] C3: [0 1 -1 0 0] C4: [-1 1 0

[Freesurfer] nu_correct crashed

2016-09-01 Thread Fanny Munsch
Hi everyone, I just installed the latest version of Ubuntu (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) and I reinstalled FreeSurfer (centos4). When I computed recon-all it exited with errors (nu_correct crashed). I have attached the .log files. I have already used FreeSurfer with older versions of Ubuntu and I have nev

Re: [Freesurfer] inclusion of both T1 and T2 in a recon-all run

2016-09-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
actually I had forgotten that we described the basic surface deformation to avoid dura in Andre's paper, which is what I first wrote it for: 2008 Brain morphometry with multiecho MPRAGE. van der Kouwe, Andre J W; Benner, Thomas; Salat, David H and Fischl, Bruce NeuroImage, 2008. On Tue, 3

Re: [Freesurfer] Pial refinement with FLAIR

2016-09-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
glad to hear it Bruce On Wed, 31 Aug 2016, Eelco Van Duinkerken wrote: Thanks for the suggestion Bruce!That totally solved the problem! Good to know that with the upcoming version this is solved. Eelco On 30 Aug 2016, at 12:36, Bruce Fischl wrote: Hi Eelco we've made a bunch o

Re: [Freesurfer] data from different MRI scanner

2016-09-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi rujing that can be tough. If all your group1 are on one scanner and all group2 are on the other how can you tell the difference between a group effect and a site effect? At the very least you should scan some people on both scanners. cheers Bruce On Wed, 31 Aug 2016, charujing123 wrote

Re: [Freesurfer] bigventricles, inaccurate segmentation

2016-09-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Carol the bigventricles stuff works much better in the upcoming 6.0 and dev than it did in 5.3. You might try downloading dev and trying it out cheers Bruce On Wed, 31 Aug 2016, Carol Nguyen wrote: Hello FreeSurfer Developers,  I am attempting to segment a brain with large ventricles. I

[Freesurfer] Matrix is ill-conditioned (mri_glmfit)

2016-09-01 Thread Rodriguez-Thompson, Anais
Hi FreeSurfer experts, When running mri_glmfit I am getting the error "matrix is ill-conditioned or badly scaled, condno=10182.4" My fsgd file is attached to this email. My command is: mri_glmfit --y /cluster/roffman/users/Stable5_PerRun/Analyses_GDD/GDD_Adults/144_GDD_Thickness_RBC_Folate/l

[Freesurfer] Cluster Forming Threshold

2016-09-01 Thread Timothy Hendrickson
Freesurfer Experts, I am currently using a Monte Carlo Z-Simulation to perform multiple comparisons on a data set. I have played around with various cluster forming threshold and cluster wise thresholds. I have no idea what would be considered "too liberal" or "too conservative" of thresholds and

[Freesurfer] Qdec Error: Couldn't open qcache file

2016-09-01 Thread Jana Dinges
Dear freesurfer community, we are conducting cortical-thickness analysis using freesurfer-5.3.0 and have been experiencing some problems with the final analysis steps. We are using the qdec. Uploading of the data table has been successful. When we try to use the “Analyze” command (design) in the

[Freesurfer] Multi-band slice timing correction

2016-09-01 Thread Wang, Ruosi
Dear Freesurfer developers: I'm seeking out ways for performing multi-band slice timing correction with freesurfer 5.3. I've searched the mailing list, and noticed that there might be a couple of ways for doing this. But, I still have some conerns for different ways, and please see below for my qu

Re: [Freesurfer] white matter errors due to inhomogeneities (bright spots) in cortex

2016-09-01 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Ben are the bright points segmented as wm in the wm.mgz? If so, you might try erasing them and rerunning cheers Bruce On Wed, 31 Aug 2016, Benjamin Baird wrote: Dear Freesurfer experts, We are currently working with some scans that were collected on a GE 3T scanner. The goal is to analyz

Re: [Freesurfer] Tracula Error -preproc Segmentation fault (core dumped)

2016-09-01 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
Hi Kristina - I suspect there's some misregistration, or part of the brain mask (and hence the anatomical segmentation) missing or something like that. Do you mind uploading the tracula directories of this subject for me to take a look at? https://gate.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/filedrop2/ Thanks!