Dear Freesurfer experts,
Based on the FS wiki, I calculated the cortical thickness difference between
the lh and rh of a subject.
Now, I want to use the “mris_apply_reg” command to map the “left-right
difference” from fsaverage_sym back to the subject's native surface.
Unfortunately, I did n
Hi Prof. Yeo,
I have problems utilizing yeo 7/17 cortical network parcellation maps as
templates in MRIcron (I aim to use your cortical parcellation maps to
underlay my findings in order to derive the implications based on iFC
networks). To be specific, there is an orientation problem in the curre
On 2 July 2016 at 19:06, Derek Pisner wrote:
> Thanks anyway for taking a look. Despite a number of further tweaks to our
> cuda libraries, we have made no further progress with this. Any chance you
> could pass along your cuda binaries so that I can see whether they might just
> "work"? Very
Dear FreeSurfers,
Is it possible to get tissue probability maps (for the purpose of using them in
spm DARTEL, PVElab, etc) out of aseg.mgz?
I did read in a previous post
that you can use mri_ca_label with the op