Re: [Freesurfer] Mismatch in dimensions using mri_label2vol

2016-03-28 Thread Afzal, Afsana
Hi, Just wanted to follow up on the issue below regarding the dimension of the mri_label2vol output. Hi, I'm using mri_label2vol with the parameters below but the output .nii volume has the shape 163842x1x1 while the input volume is 27307x1x6. This dimension mismatch is causing issues in our

Re: [Freesurfer] Mismatch in dimensions using mri_label2vol

2016-03-28 Thread dgw
I'll take a stab. On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 10:13 AM, Afzal, Afsana wrote: > Hi, Just wanted to follow up on the issue below regarding the dimension of > the mri_label2vol output. > > > Hi, > > I'm using mri_label2vol with the parameters below but the output .nii volume > has the shape 163842x1x1 w

Re: [Freesurfer] improving white/grey segmentation in recon -all for better volume estmation

2016-03-28 Thread Ramtilak Gattu
Hey Bruce, The scans are done on 3T Siemens TRIO and 8 Channel head coil with a GRAPPA of 2. Here is the screen shot of protocol used.

Re: [Freesurfer] Mismatch in dimensions using mri_label2vol

2016-03-28 Thread Douglas N Greve
Sorry, what are you trying to do? mri_label2vol maps a label (ie, ROI, segmentataion, annotation) into a volume space. Do you just want to map the surface overlay (fmcpr.sm4.fsaverage.lh.b0dc.nii) into the volume space? If so, use mri_surf2vol. You can use the version below (using method1 from

Re: [Freesurfer] (no subject)

2016-03-28 Thread Douglas N Greve
It automatically performs highpass filtering using a 2nd order polynomial. You can increase the order to make the cutoff higher. You can also use cosine filtering to set up a bandpass filtering with -hpf and -lpf as inputs to mkanalysis-sess On 03/26/2016 06:11 AM, wrote: > H

Re: [Freesurfer] initial processing in devel 6.0 version and final stats processing in stable version 6.0?

2016-03-28 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Lara, what do you mean? Are you asking if the dev version and the final v6 will be compatible? I would not rely on that. doug On 03/25/2016 06:51 PM, Lara Foland-Ross wrote: > Hi Freesurfer experts, > > We'd like to begin a cortical thickness and hippocampal subfield analysis in > the most re

Re: [Freesurfer] whole hemisphere is yellow

2016-03-28 Thread Douglas N Greve
What command did you use to visualize? There are no significant clusters so the brain should have been totally blank On 03/25/2016 05:42 PM, Miracle Ozzoude wrote: > Hello Douglas, > I just sent you the current file. Thank you. > Best, > Miracle > > > From

[Freesurfer] whole brain is yellow

2016-03-28 Thread Miracle Ozzoude
Hello Douglas, this was the command i used "Freeview -f $ SUBJECTS_DIR / fsaverage / surf / lh.inflated -viewport 3d Once I opened freesurfer, I viewed lh.secondsessionscore1.glmdir--> cache.the30.pos.sig.cluster.mgh using the overlay icon ; and lh.secondsessioncore1.glmdir ---> cache.the30.po

Re: [Freesurfer] whole brain is yellow

2016-03-28 Thread Douglas N Greve
please also include all previous correspondence. We get a lot of emails here and we can't keep track of each person's case, so we have to look at the previous email chain. thanks! doug On 03/28/2016 02:00 PM, Miracle Ozzoude wrote: > > Hello Douglas, > > this was the command i used "Freeview -f

Re: [Freesurfer] whole brain is yellow

2016-03-28 Thread Miracle Ozzoude
This were the conversations leading up to it "Hello Bruce and Douglas, This is what my design looks like. GroupDescriptorFile 1 Class Group1 Class Group2 Variables Age Firstsessionscore Input subj1 Group1 72 0.76 Input subj2 Group1 67 0.43 Input subj3 Group2 80 1.23 The contrast matrix i used was

[Freesurfer] Left right flip surfaces

2016-03-28 Thread Ajay Kurani
Hello Freesurfer Experts, I processed all of my brains through freesurfer 6.0 dev for Linux and warped the surfaces to standardized space. For a handful of subjects I want to perform a left right flip of the cortical thickness files (standardized space) for a group analysis. What is the best

Re: [Freesurfer] Left right flip surfaces

2016-03-28 Thread Ajay Kurani
Hi Freesurfer Experts, In testing mris_reverse, there seems to be a voxel shift. In looking up other freesurfer utitlites I came across xhemireg and surfreg. Does xhemireg or surfreg call out mris_reverse, causin

Re: [Freesurfer] Left right flip surfaces

2016-03-28 Thread Douglas N Greve
what do you mean by a voxel shift? On 03/28/2016 04:03 PM, Ajay Kurani wrote: > Hi Freesurfer Experts, >In testing mris_reverse, there seems to be a voxel shift. In > looking up other freesurfer utitlites I came across xhemireg and surfreg. > >

Re: [Freesurfer] whole brain is yellow

2016-03-28 Thread Douglas N Greve
Try changing the threshold. I think the threshold is set to 0 by default so you are seeing all the 0-valued voxels and it looks like the whole brain is active On 03/28/2016 02:14 PM, Miracle Ozzoude wrote: > This were the conversations leading up to it > "Hello Bruce and Douglas, > This is what

Re: [Freesurfer] improving white/grey segmentation in recon -all for better volume estmation

2016-03-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
hard to say - they are low contrast and at least one has pretty bad movement artifacts. I would try setting the various gray and white matter thresholds to mri_segment and mris_make_surface in the expert opts stuff. If you can't figure out how to do that, send me the recon-all.log from a good s

[Freesurfer] Surface area of an fsaverage label

2016-03-28 Thread Jaiashre Sridhar
Hello, I have used label_area to compute the surface area of a desikan label on fsaverage. Is the correction factor taken into account during computation with this function? Thanks, Jaiashre. ___ Freesurfer mailing list

[Freesurfer] DODS vs DOSS for correlation analysis

2016-03-28 Thread Cassandra Wannan
Hi Doug, I am carrying out some correlations between cortical thickness and cognitive ability, and had a question about the use of DODS vs DOSS for my analysis with Qdec. From reading some of the forums, it seems as though DOSS should be used when there are no interactions present. I am including

Re: [Freesurfer] Surface area of an fsaverage label

2016-03-28 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Jaiashre, yes, it should do the correction for average surface area, and should print out a message indicating it is doing so. Something like: adjusting for group surface area ... cheers Bruce On Mon, 28 Mar 2016, Jaiashre Sridhar wrote: Hello,  I have used label_area to compute the

[Freesurfer] Error of invalid license file

2016-03-28 Thread Yuan Lin
Hello, I installed the Freesurfer tool several months ago. Today when I run the "recon-all" command, it showed the error "ERROR: Invalid FreeSurfer license key found in license file /usr/local/freesurfer/.license If you are outside the NMR-Martinos Center, go to http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvar