[Freesurfer] Question about mri convert

2016-02-03 Thread Edward Su
Dear colleagesI am trying to convert my dicom files to .mgz from Freesurfer by using the mri_convert command, but it provides me the following error:edward-virtual-machine:~/freesurfer/subjects/Artists/Controls/C1> mri_convert /home/edward/freesurfer/subjects/Artists/Controls/C1/mprage grappa2x

[Freesurfer] Extract LGI at MaxVertex of a significant Cluster, Effect sizes

2016-02-03 Thread Bittner, Nora
Dear FreeSurfer Experts, I have two questions, which you can hopefully answer to: 1) I calculated several analyses with LGI as my dependent variable, resulting in several significant clusters. Now, I would like to extract the individual LGI value at the maximum vertex of each significant cluste

Re: [Freesurfer] Question about mri convert

2016-02-03 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Edward it's because there is a space in the name of your file. This always complicates things in unix and you are better off avoiding it. cheers Bruce On Wed, 3 Feb 2016, Edward Su wrote: > > Dear colleages > > I am trying to convert my dicom files to .mgz from Freesurfer by using the

[Freesurfer] FreeSurfer 6.0 hippocampal subfields error

2016-02-03 Thread Rosanna Olsen
Dear Eugenio, I am writing because I am getting a mkdir error when I try to run the FreeSurfer 6.0 hippocampal subfields segmentation. I tried moving my installation of freesurfer to a local directory where I have write permission and I also made sure I had write permission in my subject's direct

Re: [Freesurfer] Question about mri convert

2016-02-03 Thread Douglas Greve
you have to tell it what you want the output to be, eg, mri_convert file.dcm output.mgz On 2/3/16 4:07 AM, Edward Su wrote: Dear colleages I am trying to convert my dicom files to .mgz from Freesurfer by using the mri_convert command, but it provides me the following error: edward-virtual-mach

[Freesurfer] DTI - Tracula question

2016-02-03 Thread Alan Francis
Hi Anastasia: I am working on a set of DTI data that were obtained at the Martinos center. The data is in a single nii.gz file. The BVECS and BVALS files are also embedded in this. Could you please advice me how do I code this in the DMRIRC file? Should I convert the nii.gz file into Analyze to g

[Freesurfer] Regarding: T2w and HcV analysis

2016-02-03 Thread Dr Sampada Sinha
Dear freesurefr experts, Hope this mail finds you all doing well. I want to calculate hippocampal subfield volume using T2w mages. Is the recon-all command same as we do for the T1images (recon-all -i input to T1.nii.gz -s 001 -all)? I was not able to understand the recon-all command for the T2w

[Freesurfer] FreeSurfer Course Tours, France, 26-27/05/2016

2016-02-03 Thread Christophe Destrieux
Dear FreeSurfers, It is our pleasure to welcome you the FreeSurfer course organized in Tours, Loire Valley, France, 2016 26-27th may. This event is coorganized by the brain and imaging laboratory, INSERM U930-Université François Rabelais of Tours (France) and by the Martinos Center for Biomed

Re: [Freesurfer] DTI - Tracula question

2016-02-03 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
Hi Alan - A nifti file with the gradient tables and b-values embedded? All freesurfer programs can handle nifti volumes, compressed (.nii.gz) or not (.nii). You can pass those volumes to TRACULA, and pass the gradient table and b-value table as separate files. Run "mri_convert --help" to see

[Freesurfer] Unpacking error

2016-02-03 Thread Ji Won Bang
Freesurfer team, Hi. Our lab tried to unpack DICOM files using both freesurfer v4.5.0 and v5.3.0. The command line is: unpacksdcmdir -src $DATA_DIR/$SUBJECT/DICOM/day1 -targ $DATA_DIR/$SUBJECT/bold_decode -fsfast -seqcfg $LOG_DIR/$UNPACK And I get the error message: $Id: unpacksdcmdir,v 1.19.2