Hi Lee,
Do you recommend its use (i.e. both the -nuintensitycor3t flag and the 3T
atlas for Talariach alignment)?
Where can i find the documentation for the usage of -3T flag?
2015-11-06 18:47 GMT+01:00 Lee Tirrell :
> Hi Kasper,
> The -3T flag uses a special 3T atlas for Talair
Dear experts,
I defined 84 regions obtained from the aparc+aseg.mgz file as my nodes for
later graph analysis. For visualization purposes, I want to assign each node
the corresponding MNI coordinates. Can you please help me how I can do this? Is
this documented somewhere?
Many thanks for your
Hi Andre
You can apply the transform in the talairach.xfm to the node coords. Not
sure if we have anything to do this by default - Doug would know
On Sat, 7 Nov 2015,
André Schmidt wrote:
Dear experts,
I defined 84 regions obtained from the aparc+aseg.mgz file as my nodes fo
Thanks. But what's meaning "colheader"?
In my cache.th13.neg.sig.masked.nii.gz I have only a significant ROI.
In the summary file there are five column and 5 different value of
Which is the correct, expressing the mean z-score of the cluster?
>Messaggio originale
>Da: gr.