Dear FreeSurfer group,
In a longitudinal dataset i have left the [CROSS] unedited and only edited
the [BASE] (i.e. control points and brainmask edits). The brainmask is
transferred to the [LONG] but it seems as the control points has not been
transferred from the base. There are no control.dat fil
Dear all,
I am facing problems in completing the longitudinal pipeline with
Here is the detail:
FS version (downloaded two weeks ago):
The longitudinal pipeline given in recon-all was exactly followed as:
1) cross-sectionally pro
Hi zk,
I did install these packages from centos 6.6 distros but the problem persist
some how, i am not sure what I missed
On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 1:55 PM -0700, "Z K"
I was able to get around that issue by installing the following packages:
Hi zk,
I also looked into the source code and check under the imports in mymatrix.cpp,
which are:
#include #include #include "MyMatrix.h"#include
"Quaternion.h"#include "utils.h" //nint#include #include
#include #include
#include #include
#include #include
#include #include
Hello Kalyan,
A few questions:
-Is this an error you see frequently in your scans, or just a one-off
type of error?
-Is it always in the same places anatomically?
-Did you make sure to put the control points in areas that were 100%
white matter, and that had intensity values < 110 ? If you
Hi Martin,
Just had a quick follow-up on the conversation from yesterday. I already
have long_mris_slopes results from tp2-tp1 and tp3-tp1. Going by your previous
email, I am going to do a subtraction using mris_calc to get the difference
maps and then do an OSGM on the difference maps. Bu
1. No, each subject has a different #. You can map to fsaverage (this is
what -qcache does if you specify it for recon-all), then they will have
the same #.
2. What result data do you mean?
3. Yes, although I'll leave the details to Doug (since I don't remember
how his cluster code works).
I found group differences based on T1 images with 8 channel coil in QDEC
and for fMRI in SPM I have used T1 images from 32 channel coil for the same
subjects . Now I want to use the regions that I found in QDEC for fMRI
analysis . Would you please let me know how can I transfer the labels
Hello Freesurfer Experts
I am emailing to ask aome questions about cluster_wise correction on surf. I
hope some experts here could help me...
The seed_based functional connectivity maps are generated in two groups, such
as Patient and HC. I do the functional connectivity comparison between the tw
Dear all,
this is to know if you can suggest me the right way for visualizing on
3D template, one single label at once, from apart.annot file.
Best regards,
Alessia Sarica
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear FreeSurfer community,
I am a statistician who knows shamefully little about brain anatomy and I
am writing with a request.
I don’t have easy access to Freesurfer and the original data but have the
final text output i.e., the /stats folder, from a large cohort, which
including *h.aparc.a20
HI Alessia
you can turn the aparc file into separate labels using
mri_annotation2label, then load different parcels as individual labels
On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Alessia
Sarica wrote:
> Dear all,
> this is to know if you can suggest me the right way for visualizing on
> FreeSurfer
Thank you Doug
I tried the way you suggested and the registration actually looks worse. I also
mri_label2vol --subject fsaverage --label
--o $TARGET_DIR/tracy2_$label.nii.gz --reg
I have tools in R that can do #1, and network/graph theory analysis on top of
that. I plan to work on things like #2-3 but haven't yet (e.g. there is
possibly less consensus if region X is limbic vs. para-limbic, as opposed to
temporal vs. parietal).
I can send you something in a few days/a week
Hi Ani,
Thank you so much for your reply. In response to your questions:
- This is an error I have been seeing fairly frequently in a subset of my scans, though it varies in its extent.
- It seems to be fairly consistently scattered throughout frontal cortex.
- I made a couple of co
Hi, I would need to extract multiple labels from the aparc+aseg labelmap.
I am using the mri_extract_label command, but by default all the labels of
the output file are coded with the same number. Would it be possible to
change such behavior, and extract multiple labels while assigning different
Just following up. Did i send the log in the correct format?
On Jul 22, 2015, at 5:30 PM, Morenikeji Adebayo wrote:
> I sure can. Hopefully. Is the what you need?
>> On Jul 22, 2015, at 5:01 PM, Douglas N Greve
>> wrote:
>> can you just send the log and not put it int
Hi Kalyan
usually improving the wm surfaces results in improved pial surfaces. If
not, it typically means something went wrong. If you upload a subject and
email me and Ani the coordinates of a spot (or spots) you are having
trouble, we will take a look
On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Trip
I'm using tracula with stroke subjects with a mixture which hemisphere is
lesioned, so I'd like to compare all contra- or ipsilesional hemis
trac-all -stat combines pathstats.byvoxel.txt for group analysis. Is there
a way to combine some subjects' LH tract and other subjects' RH tr
Hello FreeSurfer world,
We need to subdivide regions of the forebrain that FreeSurfer does not.
Is it possible to further subdivide regions of the brain on aparc+aseg.mgz
by defining new colors (& numbers) on the color lut that already defines
structures in Freeview?
Thanks so much
Joseph Vel
Yes, but you have a typo -min305 instead of -mni305
On 07/22/2015 05:30 PM, Morenikeji Adebayo wrote:
> I sure can. Hopefully. Is the what you need?
>> On Jul 22, 2015, at 5:01 PM, Douglas N Greve
>>>> wrote:
>> can you just send the log and not put i
As mentioned by Chris, (2) and (3) are not super clear cut, but you
can perhaps use my resting-state networks (available in FreeSurfer;
as a basic reference. Roughly speaking, for the 7-network
parcellation, the blue cluster co
Jsem mimo kancelář do 03.08.2015.
Poznámka: Toto je automatická odpověď na vaši zprávu "Re: [Freesurfer] if:
Expression Syntax" odeslanou dne 24.7.2015 0:05:01.
Toto je jediné oznámení, které obdržíte v době nepřítomnosti této osoby.
Hello Freesurfer Experts,
For a longitudinal dataset we worked on some time ago, in version 5.1, we
want to add subjects with only one time point. According to the
instructions here:
we can do this by passing only a single time poin
Dear Freesurfer experts,
Thanks for your valuable input. Since, comparison with global thickness
does not provide any valuable information we have decided to forego the
average thickness and lh-thickness comparison and now added eTIV as another
covariate with age
lh/rh thickess (
please s
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