That worked perfectly!
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Hello Doug,
Thank you for your reply.I'm using version 1.9 of mni152reg, which is located
Best, Nao
> Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2015 18:58:28 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subje
Hi Freesurfer experts,
I have a label with 1500+ vertices I'd like to convert to a nifti file.
Right now I use mri_label2vol and output a file
I'd like to do this in matlab, is there any way?
More specifically, I'd like to get the native co-ordinate for each vertex
in the nifti file.
The vox2ras co
Dear Developers,
Tracula’s Statistics wiki suggests one to use the statistical software of
choice. Could it be glmfit?
For that, I think I would need to concatenate each tract-by-voxel diffusion
data from each subject (e.g., each diffusion data of course separately) in
common space (e.g., MNI)
Hi Alessandro
you can do it either way. qdec gives you a GUI interface to guide you
through the process, but is limited in terms of the hypotheses you can test
with it. You can choose to smooth or not either way
On Sat, 4 Jul 2015, Alessandro Calamuneri wrote:
> Hi freesurfer use