I'm still stopped at the recon-all stage.
I use the command correctly and there it is:
recon-all -i /usr/local/139942/I000 -subject test -all
the data is a sagital series. I think the command cant be execute at the
mri_convert step, because i dont have .mgz files in the test directory.
Hi Hassan
first, you need to send us the screen output and the recon-all.log. The
info you sent is not sufficient for us to help you.
Second, is /usr/local/139942/I000 a directory or a file? It needs to
be a file, and should be a single slice in the correct (i.e. high res
Hi Bruce,
As you wanted i attached the log file.
and by the way /usr/local/139942/I000 is a image file which is in dicom
format and high res T1-Weighted 1*1*1. It is sagital series in the folder
139942 which contains about 165 images.
If you need i can send files too
Kind Regards