[Freesurfer] Freeview screenshot automation questions

2014-09-18 Thread Eric Xiuming ZHANG
Dear FreeSurfer experts, I understand that > freeview -v brain.nii.gz -ss screenshot takes the screenshots and quits the freeview. Regarding this, I have the following two questions. (1) Is it possible to suppress the redundant GUI flashing? It is really a pain when many images are batch-proces

[Freesurfer] exporting QDEC results

2014-09-18 Thread elisa veronese
Dear FreeSurfers, can anybody tell me if there is a way to export results in form of table (or text file) from the QDEC GUI after having performed analysis on thickness, area, volume, etc etc... ? I mean, is the infomation regarding the significant clusters saved in table format? Thank you. Best

[Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf

2014-09-18 Thread Nicholas Heugel
I looked over the documentation but can;t seem to find what I am looking for. How exactly does the function project the mdi data onto the surface? What method is it using to accomplish this, is it just projecting to the nearest neighbor or is there something more complex occurring. I ask because

[Freesurfer] quick quality assessment for MPRAGE images

2014-09-18 Thread Wegbreit, Ezra
Dear Freesurfer Users, I have a large number of T1 MPRAGE scans collected on a 3T Siemens Trio scanner that I would like to run through recon-all to get cortical thickness values. However, some of the MPRAGE scans are contaminated by subject motion, but the extent of this varies from scan to scan

[Freesurfer] DWI questions

2014-09-18 Thread Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla
Dear Freesurfer and DTI experts,I will start some analyses with DWI data, but I have some doubts about it:1) I have data with 5 different acquisition protocols, so, I'm not sure if the standard pre-processing protocol (like eddy-current compensations the reorientation of the vectors and the intra-s

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf

2014-09-18 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Nicholas mri_vol2surf has options that lets you control its behavior. It can do various types of sampling (e.g. averaging within the cortical ribbon, point sampling at a specified distance or percentage, etc) cheers Bruce On Thu, 18 Sep 2014, Nicholas Heugel wrote: I looked over t

[Freesurfer] problem with mris_preproc

2014-09-18 Thread Lars M. Rimol
Hi, I get the following error message when running mris_preproc, and I'm wondering what file is it looking for?: Reading curvature file /usit/abel/u1/rimol/subjects/long/long_v0v2_amd/007v2.long.007_base/surf/lh.(null) MRISreadCurvature: could not open /usit/abel/u1/rimol/subjects/long/long_v0v2_

Re: [Freesurfer] quick quality assessment for MPRAGE images

2014-09-18 Thread Harms, Michael
Hi Ezra, I'd love to hear otherwise if someone has established some robust signal processing approaches to do this automatically, but I'm not aware of any good reliable ways to do this in a automated fashion.  It is time consuming, but you have to put eyes on the data. cheers, -MH -- 

[Freesurfer] Scatter plot from mri_glmfit analyses

2014-09-18 Thread Celine Louapre
Hi Doug and FS team I did glm analyses using mri_glmfit, and I was trying to plot the individual values in the population for a specific significant cluster. However I am not sure how to extract individual values from the entire cluster. (note that the concatenated surface used as input for the gl

Re: [Freesurfer] quick quality assessment for MPRAGE images

2014-09-18 Thread Chris Watson
Try out Freesurfer's QAtools. It still isn't "automatic", but you can get a bunch of screenshots and view them all on an html page. On 09/18/2014 11:42 AM, Harms, Michael wrote: Hi Ezra, I'd love to hear otherwise if someone has established some robust signal processing approaches to do this

Re: [Freesurfer] quick quality assessment for MPRAGE images

2014-09-18 Thread Harms, Michael
Yes, that can be helpful.  As a caution though, the overall quality may appear fine, but things like topology correction errors can still occur and will be quite local.  Thus, they would easily be missed if the density of your screenshots isn't high enough.  Personally, I find it only margi

Re: [Freesurfer] possible to use freesurfer segmentations to get mean values for anatomic structures from other sequences

2014-09-18 Thread Douglas N Greve
When you look at SUBJECT_ID_CBF_reg.nii.gz, does it look reasonable? Does it overlay correctly on the T1.mgz? doug On 09/14/2014 11:40 PM, Salil Soman wrote: > Thank you Doug. I am having trouble with extracting statistics using > this method. > > I am able to use bbregister to get a transform

Re: [Freesurfer] mincost bb_register

2014-09-18 Thread Douglas N Greve
0.5 is pretty good for fMRI. If it looks good visually, then I would not worry about it further doug On 09/17/2014 09:25 AM, lorenzo pasquini wrote: > Dear Freesurfer users, > I have used the command bb_register to automatically register raw fMRI > data on the anatomy. The output looks visually

Re: [Freesurfer] Pial Surface Incorrect For Native T1

2014-09-18 Thread Douglas N Greve
Can you get it to display correctly on the pial surface in conformed space? On 09/17/2014 08:04 PM, Zachary Greenberg wrote: > Hello Freesurfer experts, > > I am having a tough time getting my pial surfaces into the correct > anatomical space. I work with ECoG Patients, so we have pre-implant >

Re: [Freesurfer] exporting QDEC results

2014-09-18 Thread Douglas N Greve
The easiest way is to run mri_glmfit-sim from the command line on the QDEC output folder. It will automatically correct for multiple comparisons and create tables. See the tutorial (and other posts along this line). doug On 09/18/2014 05:56 AM, elisa veronese wrote: > Dear FreeSurfers, > > can

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf

2014-09-18 Thread Douglas N Greve
For each vertex, the col, row, slice in the mdi is computed based on the registration. The value from this voxel is extracted; the default is nearest neighbor but this can be changed with --interp trilin doug On 09/18/2014 10:52 AM, Nicholas Heugel wrote: > I looked over the documentation but c

Re: [Freesurfer] problem with mris_preproc

2014-09-18 Thread Douglas N Greve
This is a bug in mris_preproc. A work-around is to add --srcfmt mgh as the last argument. In the mean time I'll fix mris_preproc doug On 09/18/2014 11:32 AM, Lars M. Rimol wrote: > Hi, > > I get the following error message when running mris_preproc, and I'm > wondering what file is it looking

Re: [Freesurfer] Scatter plot from mri_glmfit analyses

2014-09-18 Thread Douglas N Greve
Have you run mri_glmfit-sim? It will create labels (ie, annotations) of the clusters as well as run mri_segstats to get means in each cluster for each subject. Try that link now doug On 09/18/2014 12:15 PM, Celine Louapre wrote: > Hi Doug and FS team > > I did glm analyses using mri_glmfit, and

Re: [Freesurfer] displaying a single label from aparc in tksurfer

2014-09-18 Thread Douglas N Greve
The only way I know is to break the annotation into labels (mri_annotation2label), then creating a new annotation with only the labels you want (mris_label2annot). If you only want one label, then you don't need to create a new annotation doug On 09/18/2014 03:11 PM, Maria Kharitonova wrote: >

Re: [Freesurfer] possible to use freesurfer segmentations to get mean values for anatomic structures from other sequences

2014-09-18 Thread Salil Soman
Dear Doug, Thank you for your email. The registration overlap looks reasonable. Thank you for considering this question. Best wishes, Sal On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote: > > When you look at SUBJECT_ID_CBF_reg.nii.gz, does it look reasonable? Does > it overlay correc

Re: [Freesurfer] possible to use freesurfer segmentations to get mean values for anatomic structures from other sequences

2014-09-18 Thread Douglas N Greve
Are you sure that *all* are 0? By passing it FreeSurferColorLUT.txt, you force it to report hundreds (or thousands) of ROIs which are not represented in the aparc+aseg.mgz. Also, try removing --seg-erode. On 09/18/2014 04:43 PM, Salil Soman wrote: > Dear Doug, > > Thank you for your email. > >

Re: [Freesurfer] displaying a single label from aparc in tksurfer

2014-09-18 Thread Daniel Carey
Hi Maria, You can display a single label (or labels) in tksurfer by loading the aparc annotation onto fsaverage; then, simply click on the label you're interested in, and click File, then Label, and Save Selected Label. This will let you save out a single label from aparc, which can these easil

[Freesurfer] Map both hemisphere to lh of fsaverage_sym

2014-09-18 Thread ting xu
Dear FreeSurfers, I have data has been recon-all analyzed. I would like to compare the symmetry of function/structure property between LH and RH, such as cortical thickness. I already know that the vertices in the left hemisphere are not correspond to vertices in the right hemisphere. I would like