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Dear FS experts,
I would like to do a group analysis, not over a whole hemisphere, but only
whithin a ROI, which I define by myself.
Following a description which I found in the list
I painted a ROI, and ran m
Dear all,
I want to do a correlation of significant clusters found after full
monte-carlo simulation and symptom severity of patients affected with
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
The aim is as follows:
First, to see whether the severity of symptoms correlate with the degree of
structural bra
Dear Doug,
thanks for your helpful comments according to the reading out fMRI cluster peak
Actually, I'm able now to read out cluster peak vertices (see bottom). I
applied the mri_surfcluster command for resampled and surface smoothed Feat
stats on smoothwm surface with projfrac 0.5
Don't know unless you send us your command lines
On 08/14/2014 07:58 AM, Mürner-Lavanchy, Ines wrote:
> Dear FS experts,
> I would like to do a group analysis, not over a whole hemisphere, but
> only whithin a ROI, which I define by myself.
> Following a description which I found in th
It is possible but not easy. You'll have to start almost from scratch.
Motion correct your time series. Then run mri_vol2surf to sample the
time series on the surface (use nifti output). Smooth on the surface.
Run FEAT using this as the input. Turn off spatial smoothing and
prewhitening and ma