Hi all,
I want to extract cortical thickness for a ROI (dlpfc) which was defined in
volume space. I search it in Freesurfer Wiki and find the description in
website (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/VolumeRoiCorticalThickness).
But, in the second, it said it need an T1 volume (average
Hi Elia - It looks like this file didn't get created:
The command that was supposed to create it was epidewarp.fsl. You can find
the command line that begins with "epidewarp.fsl" in the log file that you
sent m
Hi, all,
I have two quesiotns about clusterwise correction for multiple comparsion.
I run 2 corrections for one same result,and commands are as follows:
a. mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir g2v0.weight --cache 2.0 abs --cwpvalthresh .05
b. mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir g2v0.weight --cache 2.0 pos --cw
Hi Wang
what volume space is it defined in? Generally you can use mri_label2label
with the --paint option to sample a label onto a surface.
On Sun, 15 Jun 2014, wangkangcheng_gmail
Hi all, I want to extract cortical thickness for a ROI (dlpfc) which was
defined in vol
Dear all,
While it is possible to obtain NIfTI files for cortical parcellation using
mri_annotation2label, I am running if it is possible to obtain NIfTI files
associated with aseg parts?
Freesurfer mailing list
Hi Daniel
Any of our tools can write nifti if you give the output volume the extension
.nii or .nii.gz
> On Jun 15, 2014, at 5:54 PM, "Yang, Daniel" wrote:
> Dear all,
> While it is possible to obtain NIfTI files for cortical parcellation using
> mri_annotation2label, I am
Hi Bruce,
Sorry, I wasn¹t clear. It¹s great to know that the FreeSurfer is very
flexible. I meant to obtain the aseg individual label files in MNI152
space as NIfTI files, for example, the different parts of the CC.
Could you please point me to the right direction, as to what tool I should
use fo
mri_vol2vol with the transforms/talairach.xfm as the transform should do the
trick. Make sure that the resample type is nearest neighbor
> On Jun 15, 2014, at 10:28 PM, "Yang, Daniel" wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> Sorry, I wasn¹t clear. It¹s great to know that the FreeSurfer is very
Thanks! I see that mri_binarize + mri_vol2vol is what I wanted.
I am able to obtain, for example, the right amygdala, using the following
mri_binarize --i ${FREESURFER_HOME}/subjects/fsaverage/mri.2mm/aseg.mgz
--o right_amygdala.mgz --match 54
mri_vol2vol --mov right_amygdala.mg
Dear Freesurfer Experts,
I would like the mean thickness measures of each clusters i found in qdec
from both control and patient group.
I used qdec for a group comparison in cortical thickness between a patient
group and a healthy control group.
I found 30 different significant clusters afte
Dear Freesurfer Experts,
Please ignore the previous email.
I would like the mean thickness measures of each clusters, survived after
multiple comparison correction, in qdec.
I used qdec for a group comparison in cortical thickness between a patient
group and a healthy control group.
I fou
Dear all,
While there is the file
${FREESURFER_HOME}/subjects/fsaverage/mri.2mm/reg.2mm.mni152.dat, there is no
such file as:
${FREESURFER_HOME}/subjects/fsaverage/mri/reg.1mm.mni152.dat or
${FREESURFER_HOME}/subjects/fsaverage/mri/transforms/reg.1mm.mni152.dat ?
I am wondering how we can
Dear Bruce,
Now, I change the standard atlas to avg152T1.nii.gz which was included in the
FSL and make a mask of superior frontal gyrus (Harvard-Oxford Cortical
Structural Atlas). I can map the ROI-mask to the fsaverage surface to create an
fsaverage-ROI surface overlay. But when I map one sub
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