Hi Douglas,
I've looked at the original images in freeview and they follow the correct
talairach coordinates. I've run mri_convert again and the files follow the
correct talairach coordinates. It appears this may have been a 'one-off' issue.
Will update after I autorecon everything.
- Bryan
Hi Douglas,
You are right, sorry for not including the thread. Below I paste our
previous conversation. I also attach again the files you asked me for.
Message: 13
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 10:49:44 -0400
From: Douglas Greve
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] missing eTIV in asegstats2
Dear Community,
Is it possible to detect the scanning power (either 1.5 or 3 tesla) of MRI
acquisition machine from the dicom images, if we do not know about the scanner
Best Regards,
Naveed Iqbal Qureshi
The field strength is in the dicom header. If you have a dicom file,
just run mri_probedicom --i dicomfile
This will print out a lot of info including the field strength
On 10/27/13 9:57 PM, Muhammad Naveed Iqbal Qureshi wrote:
Dear Community,
Is it possible to detect the scanning power
Dear FreeSurfer Users,
I downloaded FreeSurfer latest version in this
I want to strip 3d structure skull by mri_strp_skull,but this package does not
have this codes.Why?