did you look at :
Christophe Destrieux,
Directeur du Département Communication et Multimedia
Unité « Imagerie et Cer
Hi Doug,
Thanks for your answer.
I changed the last step as u suggested, but I think I need to clarify my
Indeed values of the CC looks OK, but don't u think other values, like the
ventricles are too high ?
When I first run the script, I got all values and looked the the CC - it
Hi all:
I am studying the coordinate system transforms within subject across
imaging modalities on web page:
http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/CoordinateSystems. I met a problem.
First, i run tksurfer : tksurfer subjectname lh inflated -reg register.dat -ov
mov.nii , then i chose a p
Dear Freesurfer experts,
I got the individual ROI volumes (not the surface) from aparc+aseg.nii.gz
file, now I wanna use them as the seed regions in dwi space. I noticed that
these ROIs are in the same space with "T1_brain", but this "T1_brain" is
not the native T1. So could I register this T1_bra
Hi all,
I want to study Brodmann Areas cortical thickness, surface area and
volume. I've added the 5.2 BAxxx.threshold.label to my 5.0 fsaverage
and run the recon-all BA labels command. Now I run aparcstats2table
and get a table with the values but they are the same as before
running the B
Hi Zeke,
process finished without error in 2h.
Messaggio originale
Da: zkauf...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Data: 23-mar-2013 20.13
A: "freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu"
Ogg: Re: [Freesurfer] R: Re: hippo subfield
It's not enough to simply put the zip file in the /Applications