Our Centos 4_x86_64 build machine uses kernel v2.6.9-89.33.1, and the
Centos 6_x86_64 machine uses v2.6.32-279.22.1.
Before trying an earlier Fedora, can you try setting this in your tcsh
prior to setting-up freesurfer and running tkmedit?
set anyerror
there was a bug in tcsh 6.17.06 bu
Hi Doug,
I think I am having the same problem, but only when running on our Red Hut
cluster (CentOS 6 was fine). I have attached the terminal output with
Many thanks,
- Charles
On 9 March 2013 03:47, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> Salil, can you run fslregister with --debug as the first