Re: [Freesurfer] Error upon trying to load NIFTI image in freeview

2012-12-06 Thread Tudor Popescu
Thanks for your reply Yaniv! That is how I initially tried loading the NIFTI volumes (via the GUI, File|Load), but in the meantime I discovered what the problem was: there were spaces in the name of the folder containing the image, and apparently non-Windows OSs such as Xubuntu don't deal well with

Re: [Freesurfer] Missing Insula and mri_label2vol

2012-12-06 Thread José Ángel Pineda
Thanks Doug, now it works!! > for mac use > > > < > > > > doug > > On 12/05/2012 05:11 AM, Jos? ?ngel Pineda wrote: > > Hi again, >

[Freesurfer] Hippocampus volume

2012-12-06 Thread Antonella Kis
Dear FS team, After I ran the recon-all to get the total cortical thickness, the volume  of the left hypocampus ( = the number of voxels) equals to 2166 which I thought should be the total hippocampal volume. But if we add all the voxel numbers from the hippocampal subfield I will get a much large

[Freesurfer] Running recon-all on a series of scans

2012-12-06 Thread Natasha Jawa
Hi, Is it possible to run recon-all on a series of scans? I have multiple scans that I want to process longitudinally. The .nii files have all been converted to .mgz files and labelled sequentially (i.e., 001.mgz, 002.mgz, etc.) in /Applications/freesurfer/subjects//mri. I've tried running rec

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast

2012-12-06 Thread Martin Reuter
Yes, in 5.2 there should be the two new options --qdec and --qdec-long to allow passing qdec tables both in the regular cross sectional and in the longitudinal format in addition to the existing other ways of passing subjects lists (--s or --fsgd or --f ). Now care needs to be taken in the long

Re: [Freesurfer] Hippocampus volume

2012-12-06 Thread Juan Eugenio Iglesias
Hi again, like I said in my previous emails, the measurements from the subfield tools are based on .5x.5x.5 voxels, so you have to divide them by 8 to convert them to cubic milliliters. Then, if you add up the volumes from the subfields (without including the hippocampal fissure), you should get so

[Freesurfer] mri_glmfit-sim for interhemispheric comparison

2012-12-06 Thread Shigetoshi Takaya
Hi Doug, I did surface-based inter-hemispheric comparison. I used an arbitrary surface data (.mgz) resampled from a volume data (.nii), otherwise I follow the instruction. I got a good result

Re: [Freesurfer] question retinotopic mapping

2012-12-06 Thread Douglas N Greve
Julia, what version of FS are you using? It looks like pre-5.0. Can you upgrade to 5.1? There were a lot of changes in going from 4 to 5, and it is becoming increasingly hard to support version 4. doug On 12/06/2012 02:45 AM, Julia Foecker wrote: > thanks. > attached the info file. > > When I

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_glmfit-sim for interhemispheric comparison

2012-12-06 Thread Douglas N Greve
Shige, it is looking for tables of cluster p-values (the csd files). When you followed the wiki instructions, did you tell it to use fsaverage_sym as the target subject? You must have used a subject called "average". doug On 12/06/2012 11:53 AM, Shigetoshi Takaya wrote: > > Hi Doug, > > I did

Re: [Freesurfer] Running recon-all on a series of scans

2012-12-06 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Natasha, yes, you have to run recon-all separately for each scan. doug On 12/06/2012 11:14 AM, Natasha Jawa wrote: > Hi, > > Is it possible to run recon-all on a series of scans? > > I have multiple scans that I want to process longitudinally. The .nii > files have all been converted to .mgz

Re: [Freesurfer] image flip after use of mri_vol2surf/mri_surf2vol

2012-12-06 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Hubert, The physical side of the image in fslview is not indicative of the actual side. You have to look at the little letters on the side to see what side it is actually on. When you do this, do you see an R or an L? BTW, you might want to use mris_volsmooth which was written to do this kin

[Freesurfer] how is fsnr computed?

2012-12-06 Thread Alex Kell
freesurfers, i've been using my own scripts to compute tSNR for data i was running through FSL, but i'm now running the data through freesurfer and i wanted to better understand what the fsnr volumes spit out by selxavg3-sess are. i poked around the wiki and mailing archives and couldn't find ans

Re: [Freesurfer] how is fsnr computed?

2012-12-06 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Alex, On 12/06/2012 12:21 PM, Alex Kell wrote: > freesurfers, > > i've been using my own scripts to compute tSNR for data i was running > through FSL, but i'm now running the data through freesurfer and i > wanted to better understand what the fsnr volumes spit out by > selxavg3-sess are.

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_glmfit-sim for interhemispheric comparison

2012-12-06 Thread Shigetoshi Takaya
Thanks for your reply, Doug After inter-hemispheric registration onto fsaverage_sym using surfreg, I did not use mris_preproc in my analysis because of the following two reasons: (i) I thought I can't use "--meas" because the input is an arbitrary surface data. (ii) I don't want to use "--paired-d

Re: [Freesurfer] question retinotopic mapping

2012-12-06 Thread Douglas N Greve
The problem is that you have a version 4 analysis that you are trying to view with version 5 tools. To use version 5 visualization, you'll need to remake the analysis in version 5 and then reanalyze. Otherwise, you'll have to use the version 4 stream (instructions attached). It is somewhat di

[Freesurfer] update mri_glmfit

2012-12-06 Thread Knut J Bjuland
Hi I saw an updated version of mri_glmfit in Should I update this file in my freesurfer installation. What do this fix? Is is not in the release notes? Knut J ___ Fre

[Freesurfer] How can I get 300 dpi resolution or about when saving tiff files in tksurfer?

2012-12-06 Thread Knut J Bjuland
How can I get 300 dpi resolution or about when saving tiff files in tksurfer? ___ Freesurfer mailing list The information in this e-mail is intended only fo

Re: [Freesurfer] How can I get 300 dpi resolution or about when saving tiff files in tksurfer?

2012-12-06 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Knut the tiffs written by tksurfer are 600x600 regardless of what DPI you set. You can change the dpi with convert (or photoshop), but it won't change the # of pixels. cheers Bruce On Thu, 6 Dec 2012, Knut J Bjuland wrote: > > How can I get 300 dpi resolution or about when saving tiff fi

Re: [Freesurfer] How can I get 300 dpi resolution or about when saving tiff files in tksurfer?

2012-12-06 Thread Matt Glasser
Perhaps you can maximize the tksurfer window on a large monitor, take a whole screen screenshot, and then in a photo editing program: decrease the physical size of the image (in mm or inches) while not decreasing the matrix size. You can do this in photoshop in Image > Image Size > And then change

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast

2012-12-06 Thread Alex Hanganu
Hello Martin, Thanks for your confirmation. I downloaded the last version of FreeSurfer: the dev5-20120624, from the "..fswiki/LMEModels" page, but there is the old mris_preproc, so I will use the fsgd file. Thanks for pointing out about the long.base - files!! That was a mistake of mine. An

Re: [Freesurfer] How can I get 300 dpi resolution or about when saving tiff files in tksurfer?

2012-12-06 Thread Martin Luessi
If you want to get a figure with arbitrarily high resolution regardless of the screen size, have a look at PySurfer*. It's not an official part of freesurfer but can display many of the freesurfer files. It can produce high resolution figures by moving the camera, taking screenshots and then as

[Freesurfer] winkler surf data with qdec ?

2012-12-06 Thread Gregory Kirk
Hi , I have winkler variety surface area data that is already smoothed and converted to vertex wise data on my average subject. Each subject has a file rh.ico7.fwhm10.mgh, lh... and Doug gave me a way with mri_concat to assemble the data into a single file so i can run command line mri_glmfit type

Re: [Freesurfer] Longitudinal analysis - contrast

2012-12-06 Thread jorge luis
Hi Alex   Sorry, my bad. You are right. To grab the subjects'ID the correct code is:   sID = Qdec(2:end,1);   I'm going to fix that in the wiki. The new error is due to the numeric value on the left hand side of   [M,Y,144] = sortData(M,1,Y,sID); You cannot assign any value to 144. Just change t

[Freesurfer] De-trending resting state data

2012-12-06 Thread Chris McNorgan
I'm working with raw timeseries waveform data from a resting state dataset. There's one run per participant, so no between-run normalization is required. With Doug's help, I have mastered extracting the timeseries information from individual ROIs in surface space. The timeseries data is the pro

Re: [Freesurfer] How can I get 300 dpi resolution or about when saving tiff files in tksurfer?

2012-12-06 Thread Knut J Bjuland
Hi Bruce, Do you upsample the tiffs from tksurfer when making image for publications? Or do you use another program in FreeSurfer suite? Knut J On 12/06/2012 10:22 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > Hi Knut > the tiffs written by tksurfer are 600x600 regardless of what DPI you > set. You can change th