I have downloaded the latest QA_tools v1.1 from
http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/QATools. However, when I ran
recon_checker, I did not get a signal to noise calculations. I ran
recon_checker with -s-dir subjectfile and -snaps-detailed. Is there any option
that I missed? Is it poss
When I import one subject with recon -i dicom -i dicom -s subjec, I get
this error message ERROR: inputs have mismatched dimensions! I think it
is caused by the fact that there is a different number of slices into
the two series. One series has 256x256x125 white the other has
I've been struggling to upload the file to the ftp server, but failed in
several times.
Sorry for bothering you, but I will send an e-mail when the uploading is
2012/10/14 Bruce Fischl
> I found EK_test.zip, but neither tar nor unzip knows how to uncomress it.
> What format is i
Hi Knut
you could mri_convert them into mri/orig/001.mgz and 002.mgz, reslicing
the 125 into the 128 geometry (-rl) and go from there.
On Sun, 14 Oct 2012, Knut J Bjuland wrote:
> Hi,
> When I import one subject with recon -i dicom -i dicom -s subjec, I get
> this error message
Thanks Doug!
If i wanted to add a third time-point, what would u suggest would be a good
method to use for time x group interaction?
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
[freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] on behalf of Douglas N Greve
Hi Harry.
I have some scripts to compute a slope into the time thickness or volume
(linear fits) and then run a standard glm on that .
However, we recommend to run a linear mixed effects model (external software).
We are working on making that available.
Best Martin
Harry Hallock wrote:
I uploaded the EK_test_new.tar file to the ftp incoming folder.
I think it might work.
Thank you for you time and consideration.
2012/10/15 EK Kim
> I've been struggling to upload the file to the ftp server, but failed in
> several times.
> Sorry for bothering you, but I will send an e-mail
Hi Bruce
I converted the dicom into 001.mgz. Then I tried to reslice.
mri_convert -rl -i orig/001.mgz -o orig/001.mgz
mri_convert -rl -i orig/001.mgz -o orig/001.mgz
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2011/05/16 20:53:47 greve Exp $
reading from orig/001.mgz...
TR=2730.00, TE=3.45, TI=1000.00, flip