Re: [Freesurfer] I want to know a simple thing in tksurfer

2012-10-06 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Seulgi you can specify the fthresh and and slope on the command line using: tksurfer ... -fthresh -fslope or alternatively, both the min and max using tksurfer ... -fminmax where is the value at which the color saturates. Or you can set the thresholds based on rank ordering of the val

Re: [Freesurfer] subdividing consistently within aparc.annot

2012-10-06 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Satra and John, I think you can use mris_make_face_parcellation for this. If you specify ?h.sphere it will make them uniform in the subject space, if you use ?h.sphere.reg it will be uniform in fsaverage space, and I think in correspondence across subject. cheers Bruce On Thu, 4 Oct 201

Re: [Freesurfer] subdividing consistently within aparc.annot

2012-10-06 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Satra I'm not positive I understand what you want. Have you tried mris_divide_parcellation? Bruce On Wed, 3 Oct 2012, Satrajit Ghosh wrote: hi john, thanks. that's the idea, but what i want is that sub-division is done within regions that are either determined automatically through the fr

Re: [Freesurfer] cortical parcellation question

2012-10-06 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Daniel it's in .gca format, and includes information that wouldn't fit in a nifti file (e.g. markov relationships). You can use mri_convert to extract some of the basic info though (e.g. the most likely class at each location and the mean intensity of the most likely class) using mri_conver

[Freesurfer] Normalization

2012-10-06 Thread Ana Arruda
Hello, I'm working on hippocampus segmentations obtained by Freesurfer to compare with manual and FSL segmentations. Do I have to normalize to make these comparisons more accurate? If so, what volume do I have to use? I've read about eTIV but I would like to confirm if there is any value for norm

Re: [Freesurfer] Normalization

2012-10-06 Thread Martin Reuter
Hi Ana, when comparing to manual labels or other segmentation methods you do not need to normalize. But other methods and even manual segmentations may follow a different protocol, so it can be expected that some method gives consistently different (e.g. smaller) values. ICV in FreeSurfer is c

Re: [Freesurfer] Normalization

2012-10-06 Thread Ana Arruda
Thanks a lot Martin. I really get confused about normalization. I've already done the comparisons and the values between methods, as you said, are different. Although I haven't understood why, in this case, I don't have to normalize. My advisor told me to normalize all the brain values from the pa

Re: [Freesurfer] Normalization

2012-10-06 Thread Martin Reuter
Hi Ana, if you work on a study comparing groups or age effects, that analyzes hippocampal volume, then you would usually normalize that volume. People have different head sizes and therefore differently sized hippocampi. To remove headsize differences researchers often normalize voumes by ICV.

Re: [Freesurfer] Normalization

2012-10-06 Thread Ana Arruda
It's clear now. Thank you very much. And you're right about manual ICV, I have only two images for each patient with the area of the biggest plan in the brain, commissural area. Best regards, Ana Arruda ___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.ha

Re: [Freesurfer] subdividing consistently within aparc.annot

2012-10-06 Thread Satrajit Ghosh
hi bruce, I'm not positive I understand what you want. Have you tried > mris_divide_parcellation? how do i use mris_divide_parcellation? any documentation somewhere? the basic idea is to create some form of voronoi tesselation of a region constrained by a parameter n_sub_regions. subj1: aparc.

Re: [Freesurfer] subdividing consistently within aparc.annot

2012-10-06 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Satra isn't the code enough documentation enough?? You can use it in different ways. Try mris_divide_parcellation -help. You can either specify an area threshold and it will split annotations along their principle eigenaxis until they are under that (which may mean different number for diff

Re: [Freesurfer] subdividing consistently within aparc.annot

2012-10-06 Thread Satrajit Ghosh
hi bruce, sorry about the documentation snafu. i kept getting an error (having tried --help, -h, -u and all the freesurfer variants) and in the end it turned out i was operating out of a non-existent/stale directory and that's why i wasn't getting any help! this is very much what i needed. cheer