[Freesurfer] (no subject)

2012-08-30 Thread Marie Schneider
Dear FreeSurfer expects, I ran a cortical thickness analysis that revealed many significant clusters, but half of them are pretty small. Is there a possibility in qdec to display only clusters with a certain clustersize on the inflated surface? Thank you very much for your help, best wishes, Mar

[Freesurfer] A question about hippocampal subfield segmentation

2012-08-30 Thread soft.join Huang
Hi, freesurfer experts, I have a question about how to convert a segmented hippocampal subfield file into a ROI. After -hippo-subfields processing using recon-all command, I have got several files named posterior_left/right_**.mgz. And the segmented volume just coverd a small area in subject's wh

[Freesurfer] hippocampal subfield segmentation

2012-08-30 Thread Carolina Valencia
Hi Freesurfer community, A quick question, how long takes to run the hippocampal subfield segmentation for a subject that has already run the typical recon-all pipeline? Thank you, -- -- *Carolina Valencia M * ___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nm

[Freesurfer] crash repport automatic hippocampus segmentation failed

2012-08-30 Thread Knut J Bjuland
When I run subfield segmentation for some of the subject, I get segmentation error. Is there any known workaround these problems as recon-all is ran on a cluster? I usually get this error Rasterizing Levenberg-Marquardt.../global/apps/freesurfer/5.1.0/bin/kvlSegmentHippocampalSubfields.sh: line

[Freesurfer] cortical volume and ortical jacobian_whitematter

2012-08-30 Thread Knut J Bjuland
Hi,I have looked into cortical surface volume and cortical jacobian_whitematter. Can I use these measure a in similar way as cortical thickness? Do jacobian_whitematter represent the whitematter thickness in the cortex? How reliable are cortical volumes compared to cortical thickness?Best regar

[Freesurfer] Mask in Qdec analyses

2012-08-30 Thread Tate, David Franklin
I want to be able to use a mask in some of the cortical thickness studies so as to reduce the number of comparisons being conducted as well as to be more hypothesis driven. Can anyone provide some guidance on whether or not this can be accomplished? Thanks, David _

Re: [Freesurfer] A question about hippocampal subfield segmentation

2012-08-30 Thread Usman Khan
Hi Lijie (cc to mailing list), I wrote a script to do just this in July. Here is a link to a tar file. It requires knowledge of matlab and bash, but is pretty straight forward. It https://www.dropbox.com/s/s1f78j2ozv1gw8q/subfield_to_ROI.tar.gz a) transforms the subfield probabilities to nu.mgz

[Freesurfer] Converting BV ROIs to FS

2012-08-30 Thread Katie Bettencourt
So our lab is running a couple analyses and we are getting different results based on whether we use Brain Voyager or Freesurfer that we think is due to different ROI selection across the two platforms. Is there anyway to load a BrainVoyager ROI into freesurfer? The BV data has been talairach tra

[Freesurfer] errors Quantifying Hippocampal Subfield Segmentations

2012-08-30 Thread Carolina Valencia
Hi Freesurfer community: I run hippocampal subfields command succesfully recon-all -s CORBIC_vol15 finished without error at Thu Aug 30 11:29:16 COT 2012 done but when I run kvlQuantifyHippocampalSubfieldSegmentations.sh the terminal shows some errors: resultsDirectory /home/cvalencia/freesu

Re: [Freesurfer] errors Quantifying Hippocampal Subfield Segmentations

2012-08-30 Thread Knut J Bjuland
Hi kvlQuantifyHippocampalSubfieldSegmentations.sh "expected that the "-hippo-subfields" flag has been used for each subject in $SUBJECTS_DIR; if this is not the case the "kvlQuantifyHippocampalSubfieldSegmentations.sh" script will fail and no (or incomplete) output files will be generated". f

[Freesurfer] how to convert .vtk surface meshes with labels to .annot format?

2012-08-30 Thread Arno Klein
what is the best way to convert a .vtk surface mesh (with labels as scalars) to freesurfer .annot format? i am currently converting the vtk file to freesurfer .label files, then using freesurfer to consolidate these into an .annot file, which is slow, roundabout, and generates a lot of files. che

[Freesurfer] I: hippocampal subfield segmentation

2012-08-30 Thread lorenzo pasquini
hello carolina to me it took about 5-6 hours. greets,   lorenzo         Da: Carolina Valencia A: Freesurfer Mailing List Inviato: Giovedì 30 Agosto 2012 20:37 Oggetto: [Freesurfer] hippocampal subfield segmentation Hi Freesurfer community,  A quick question,

[Freesurfer] Fw:contrast matrix

2012-08-30 Thread Meng Li
Hi Freesurfer experts, I'm very sorry to bother you, but I am very confused with the following questions: My experimental design includes 3 discrete factors: diagnosis with two levels (A, B); genotype with two levels (G, T); gender (F, M), and two covariates. So I can get 8 classes: AGF, AGM, A