How can tksurfer be used to create label files for the purpose of making a new
atlas, if that atlas is needed to create the surface files needed to view the
brain in tksurfer? Would people use FSL to create the masks, and convert them
into what is needed for freesurfer or is there anothe
Hi Freesurfers,
I have another monkey-specific question. I'd like to output FDR-corrected
signficance surface maps for my monkey data, or at least FDR-threshold the
maps. It seems like mri_surfcluster might be one way to go about this however:
1) I don't have any .xfm files for my monk
Hi Doug,
Many thanks for your help.
Can you please take a look and see if this is the correct way to do it. I want
to overal in fact my QDEC clusters on the connectivity maps in FSL but I got
them by registering on the MNI 152 so I suppose I can just transform or move my
QDEC clusters on t
I'm resending this e-mail, as it didn't seem to go through correctly yesterday:
I’m a Freesurfer novice, and I’m confused about how to run a 3rd level
cross-subject analysis on the surface using as input cross-run .gfeats from 10
subjects generated from a 2nd level analysis in FSL.
I am trying to use the "generate stats data tables" feature in qdec but am
getting the error message below. So based on the error message I know that
the trouble subject is SZ0020 and I looked in his file and found the
attached aseg.stats file, which looks okay. I reven tried rerunning the
I found this info on the tksurfer webpage.
The label file format is interchangable with TkMedit. You can create a label in
TkSurfer, save it, and load it in TkMedit, or vice versa.
Jeff Thompson
From: jeff_rthomp...@hotmail.com
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: creating labels, n
>From the gcaFormat freesurfer wiki page I know that: The .gca file is composed
>of three volumes, which can be extracted like this:mri_convert atlas.gca -nth
>0 means.mgz
mri_convert atlas.gca -nth 1 labels.mgz
mri_convert atlas.gca -nth 2 priors.mgzwhere:means --> the mean intensity of
the mo
I want to overal my QDEC clusters on the connectivity maps in FSL on the MNI
( this is the
template I use for my connectivity maps). I am not sure how I can mention the
label of my clusters, the uncorrected clusters.
Should I use the sig.mgh as subject id, my clusters were obtained fro
Hi Natalia - I'd need to see at which point in the processing the error
occurs, since this is a very generic error message. Can you please include
your trac-all.log and dmrirc?
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012, Natalia Sánchez wrote:
Hi Anastasia!I finally made tracula -prep work without er
Can you please check that the x-y-z dimensions of the bedpostx output
files are the same as the dimensions of the DWIs?
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012, Natalia Sánchez wrote:
Thanks for your response!Attached are the requested files
The error occurs here are shown on my terminal:
Loading b-values
Hello All,
We are looking into alternative measures for whole brain volume to use for
covarying, and the previous topic mentioned mris_volume as a possibility
but it isn't located on the top of the aseg file. Has it been moved?
Chris McCarthy
This probably means that bedpostx didn't process all the slices in your
DWIs. Someone else reported something like that recently, not sure what
may be causing it, but since it's independent of trac-all, I'd check on
the FSL list archives.
On Thu, 23 Aug 2012, Natalia Sánchez wrote:
they a
I would like to calculate average PET intensities for specific labels (using
the aparc.annot label files).
I have coregistered and used mri_vol2surf to assign PET values to the FS
generated surface, and viewed the results using qsurfer.
The next step is to take the values from the .w files an
Hi, Doug and all, I wonder if the new version of mri_segstats on the ftp site
will change both the ICV and the SupraTentorial volume? Nick seems to
mention ICV will be different, the ReleaseNotes says the
SupraTentorial Volume will be changed to smaller. Can you explain more
on the difference of th
Is there a way to set up a repeated measures ANOVA and ANCOVA with two
different groups (ex: study group v. controls) and each subject has more
than two timepoints? Would it be possible to assign each Input in the fsgd
file to two classes (ex: timepoint scan and group) or is there another way
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