Re: [Freesurfer] qdec - ERROR: CSDread():

2012-07-12 Thread Natalia Francisca
Dear list, Sorry to repost it again, but i had rechecked it and found that all the directories have no permission problems, but qdec could not load this CSD file. Not sure why it is like this. Thank you for the help again! natalia On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Natalia h wrote: > Dear expert

Re: [Freesurfer] Using SPM transformation matrices as initial guess in talairach_avi

2012-07-12 Thread Baudrexel, Simon
Dear Avi, thank you for your reply, probably I didn't make my point clear enough. Our high resolution quantitative T1-maps (derived from multispectral FLASH) have excellent GM-WM contrast and once autorecon1 (talairach-avi) gets over this tricky coregistration into standard space all other foll

[Freesurfer] Register ROI5.nii to fsaverage in tutorial "Cortical Thickness of a Volume-defined ROI"?

2012-07-12 Thread Garikoitz Lerma Usabiaga
Dear All, I am trying to automate ROI creation in freesurfer following the VolumeRoiCorticalThickness tutorial, based on the AAL defined ROI-s from MarsBar. QUESTION ROI5.nii was originally in the same space as TT_avg152T1.nii (see MORE INFO below). I understand that after Step 2 (when TT_

Re: [Freesurfer] Register ROI5.nii to fsaverage in tutorial "Cortical Thickness of a Volume-defined ROI"?

2012-07-12 Thread Louis Nicholas Vinke
Hi Gari, When you view the ROI5.nii on fsaverage make sure you include '-overlay-reg TT_avg152T1_to_fsaverage.dat'. TT_avg152T1_to_fsaverage.dat is the transformation computed in the previous step which you need to apply. Nothing was resampled in step 2. -Louis On Thu, 12 Jul 2012, Garikoitz

[Freesurfer] Control Point Problem: CPs removing white matter from surface instead of adding it

2012-07-12 Thread Peter McNally
Dear FreeSurfer, Hello, I am currently working on a project using FreeSurfer (version 5.1.0) at the Kable Labs at the University of Pennsylvania, and I have come across a problem when using control points to add incorporate more of the white matter into the white matter surface. After highlighting

Re: [Freesurfer] Control Point Problem: CPs removing white matter from surface instead of adding it

2012-07-12 Thread Michael Harms
Hi Peter, This sounds very familiar (including the effect on the opposing hemisphere) to something I've observed previously under FS v5.1 -- see the posts titled "control point guidance" from late Jan 2012. This may be related to a change in how CP's were used in FS v5.1, which I believe they are

[Freesurfer] area.pial files

2012-07-12 Thread Schur, Remmelt R.
Dear Freesurfers, I've been looking at the attributes in the '.area.pial' and '.area' (looking to see how well the area attributes correlate between lh.area and lh.area.pial). But it seems that the number of attributes in each file is different. Does anyone know if this is correct and if so, w

[Freesurfer] Hippocampus Doubt

2012-07-12 Thread Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla
Hello,after applying hippocampal subfield segmentation to our sample, we noted that summation of hippocampal subfields (in mm3) differs considerably from hippocampal volume (derived from aseg) in some of our subjects:case 1: 2592 mm3 (aseg hipp. volume) versus 2116 mm3 (summation of hipp. s

[Freesurfer] Hippocampal subfield segmentation error

2012-07-12 Thread Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla
Hello,I got the following error in one of my subjects when running hippocampal subfields segmentation (only for the left hemisphere). Could you help me to solve this problem?maximalDeformation: 75.1793 Transforming mesh Done transforming mesh Rasterizing Levenberg-Marquardt... number

[Freesurfer] Memory allocation problem trac-all -prior

2012-07-12 Thread Rui Lavrador
Hi all, I'm running tracula and when doing the step: trac-all -prior -c single_subject After some time it gives this error: MRIalloc(218, 182, 182): could not allocate 158704 bytes for 49th slice Cannot allocate memory I' m running tracula on Ubuntu 10.04, with 4GB ram. The diffusion data is DT

Re: [Freesurfer] Memory allocation problem trac-all -prior

2012-07-12 Thread Anastasia Yendiki
Hi Rui - How many voxels are in your diffusion volume? How many of them are inside the mask? a.y On Thu, 12 Jul 2012, Rui Lavrador wrote: > Hi all, > I'm running tracula and when doing the step: > trac-all -prior -c single_subject > > After some time it gives this error: > > MRIalloc(218, 18

Re: [Freesurfer] Control Point Problem: CPs removing white matter from surface instead of adding it

2012-07-12 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Peter and Mike yes, 5.2 will undo those changes, although I still wouldn't expect this behavior. Peter: are the points brighter (closer to 110) after adding them? Is the wm.mgz more accurate? cheers Bruce On Thu, 12 Jul 2012, Michael Harms wrote: > > Hi Peter, > This sounds very familiar

Re: [Freesurfer] area.pial files

2012-07-12 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Remmelt, what do you mean by "attributes"? Certainly they actual areas will be different as the ?h.area is for the ?h.white surfaces and the ?h.area.pial is for the pial ones. cheers Bruce On Thu, 12 Jul 2012, Schur, Remmelt R. wrote: Dear Freesurfers, I've been looking at the attri

Re: [Freesurfer] Hippocampus Doubt

2012-07-12 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Gabriel, certainly they won't match as (a) they are different algorithms, and (b) they are different definitions of what is and is not included. Did you sum up things like fimbria and fornix in your subfield totals? cheers Bruce On Thu, 12 Jul 2012, Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla wrote: > > H

Re: [Freesurfer] Control Point Problem: CPs removing white matter from surface instead of adding it

2012-07-12 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Peter because you are adding control points to voxels that are already accurately segmented (before you added them) I think your problem is a topological defect that is being fixed incorrectly. You can see this is you load the ?h.orig and it doesn't follow the wm.mgz. Since you don't know

Re: [Freesurfer] Control Point Problem: CPs removing white matter from surface instead of adding it

2012-07-12 Thread Peter McNally
Hi Bruce, It appears as if the ?h.orig.nofix file has properly delimited the white matter surface, where the ?h.orig file has not. What makes me dubious of there being a topological issue at hand is that I have already tried out the typical fixes for topological issues, and they've had no positive

Re: [Freesurfer] Control Point Problem: CPs removing white matter from surface instead of adding it

2012-07-12 Thread Peter McNally
PS you can ignore the increase in CP's in the post-fixes version (I had added them as a bit of experimental troubleshooting yesterday) On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 4:07 PM, Peter McNally wrote: > Hi Bruce, > > It appears as if the ?h.orig.nofix file has properly delimited the white > matter surface, w

Re: [Freesurfer] Using SPM transformation matrices as initial guess in talairach_avi

2012-07-12 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Simon I'm also puzzled about your "quantitative T1 maps". Are these T1 values in ms? If so, the image won't have "T1-weighted contrast" as WM will be darker (shorter T1) than GM, in which case everything would fail. I assume that what you are going to FreeSurfer (and Avi's code) is instead t

Re: [Freesurfer] Control Point Problem: CPs removing white matter from surface instead of adding it

2012-07-12 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Peter I can see a bunch of defects immediately. For example, you need to add voxels such as 155, 162, 145 154 162 146 adding just 3 or 4 voxels to the wm will correct this problem. If you bring the ?h.orig up over the wm.mgz and they don't match, it means there *must* be a topological de

Re: [Freesurfer] Control Point Problem: CPs removing white matter from surface instead of adding it

2012-07-12 Thread Bruce Fischl
p.s. there's another one caused by spurious connections that needs to be erased, for example voxels such as: 101, 149, 132 and add some around 100, 162, 141 On Thu, 12 Jul 2012, Peter McNally wrote: Hi Bruce, It appears as if the ?h.orig.nofix file has properly delimited the white matter

[Freesurfer] mri_glmfit

2012-07-12 Thread Jenny Liu
Hello I typed in the command for multiple comparison: $ mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir rh.tp1_mnp_ltm_age_T1.H.Unp.Int.glmdir --cwpvalthresh 0.05 --cache 2.0 pos It starts to process, but there is an error (see below). How do I fix this? Thanks, Jenny mdline mri_glmfit --y rh.tp1_mnp_ltm_age_T1.H.Unp.

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_glmfit

2012-07-12 Thread Jenny Liu
Also, in addition to the mri_glmfit-sim command, I have already run the mris_preproc, mri_surf2surf, and mri_glmfit before typing mri_glmfit-sim. Did I miss a step? Do I need to update an app? Thanks, Jenny On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 3:28 PM, Jenny Liu wrote: > Hello > > I typed in the command fo

[Freesurfer] AAL labels

2012-07-12 Thread MCLAREN, Donald
Has anyone created an AAL label file for Freesurfer? I've done some ROI analysis using AAL regions and want to display regional values on the freesurfer surface. Best Regards, Donald McLaren = D.G. McLaren, Ph.D. Research Fellow, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospi