Hi all,
We use freesurfer 5.1.0 and we ran the recon-all on 100 subjects. We
checked the talairach transform, skull strip the pial surfaces and the
segmentations as suggested on Freesurfer Wiki. Everything seems to be fine,
however, the ICV values from the stats/aseg.stats seem to be incorrect. T
Dear Freesurfer experts,
How could I know the MNI coordinates of the 163.842 vertices of the left
hemisphere of fsaverage?
Best regards,
Freesurfer mailing list
For fsaverage, the coordinates are the MNI305 coordinates.
On 06/19/2012 08:48 AM, Yolanda Vives wrote:
> Dear Freesurfer experts,
> How could I know the MNI coordinates of the 163.842 vertices of the
> left hemisphere of fsaverage?
> Best regards,
> Yolanda
> _
Dear Freesurfers,
I would like to show several ROI labels that we created on top of an an
average brain which demonstrates the group results of cortical thinning with
advancing age. In qdec, when I go into File>Load Label, I can only view one
label at a time. Is there a way to show severa
Hi, unfortunately qdec doesnt support loading multiple labels. However,
you can use tksurfer to do that. Another useful thing to know is that
the right most column of a label file can hold a stats value, so with a
bit of text editing/scripting, you can store say a p-value into the rois
Hi Cat
you can certainly do it in tksurfer.
On Tue, 19 Jun 2012, Cat Chong wrote:
Dear Freesurfers,
I would like to show several ROI labels that we created on top of an an
average brain which demonstrates the group results of cortical thinning with
advancing age. In qdec, wh
I am using the Qdec Analysis.The long and base directories are created
already, and I am at the first stage of post-processing.
For the long_mri_slopes command, there seems to be some difficulty for Qdec
to find the appropriate folder.
As background, in my qdec table, I have the fsid and t
I am attempting to use the Qdec Analysis for longitudinal data.
Specifically, each subject has two timepoints, and belongs to one of two
groups. Each subject has an accompanying age and painUnpleasantness rating.
I do not have a 'time in years' variable, and instead listed the timepoint
Thank you Doug, I think that my question was not precise enough. I would
like to know which function I can use to obtain a vector with the number of
vertices and the corresponding MNI coordinates.
2012/6/19 Douglas N Greve
> For fsaverage, the coordinates are the MNI305 coordin