[Freesurfer] Load Brodmann surface area into inflated surface

2012-04-23 Thread _andreia_
Hi all, I'm sorry if these questions have already been covered here, but I've looked into the archives and still can't do what I need (and since I'm running out of time for this task I decided to post here): I'm using version 5.0.0. I want to show the resulting Brodmann area (only 3 BA) volu

[Freesurfer] Help Error running recon-all-s during installation test

2012-04-23 Thread Eustratios Karavasilis
Dear all, I am new freesurfer user (version 5.0.0 installed to windows using virtual machine), during the installation i was trying to test the installation, following the recommended steps. The recon-all -s terminated with errors, andi can't find the bug. I send you the command line and the re

Re: [Freesurfer] trakula segmentation fault

2012-04-23 Thread Viviana Siless
Hello Anastasia, It fixed the bug. Thank you so much! Now Im running trac-all -bedp -c But it's been running for already 3 days, and it just printed that: > trac-all -bedp -c /media/vivi/images/freesurfer/dmrirc.example INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /media/vivi/images/freesurfer INFO: Diffusion root is

Re: [Freesurfer] improving automated cerebellar parcellation

2012-04-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Anthony, in matlab it would be something like: vaseg = load_mgh('aseg.mgz') ; [vmanual,M,mr] = load_mgh('manual_seg.mgz') ; ind = find(vmanual > 0) ; vaseg(ind) = vmanual(ind) ; save_mgh(vaseg, 'manual_seg.with_aseg.mgz', M, mr) ; cheers Bruce On Sun, 22 Apr 2012, Anthony Dick wrote:

Re: [Freesurfer] Help Error running recon-all-s during installation test

2012-04-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Statos how much RAM do you have in your machine? It looks like not enough. cheers Bruce On Mon, 23 Apr 2012, Eustratios Karavasilis wrote: Dear all, I am new freesurfer user (version 5.0.0 installed to windows using virtual machine), during the installation i was trying to test the insta

Re: [Freesurfer] Load Brodmann surface area into inflated surface

2012-04-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Andreia sorry, I don't understand. What do you mean when you say you want to " show the resulting Brodmann area (only 3 BA) volume in the inflated surface of my subjects". Do you mean just to show what portion of the surface is in each of 3 Brodmann areas? That you would do by loading the re

Re: [Freesurfer] surface does not match

2012-04-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Ruthger that means that the subject was partially reprocessed but not completed. You can finish it with: recon-all -s -sd -make all cheers Bruce On Thu, 19 Apr 2012, Righart, Ruthger Dr. wrote: > Dear Freesurfers, > > I analyzed a dataset with FS 5.1 but upon loading the data in tksurf

Re: [Freesurfer] prefrontal cortex values

2012-04-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
for all of prefrontal you mean? No, but it would be easy enough to draw a label on fsaverage for prefrontal, then map it to every one of your individual subjects using mri_label2label. cheers Bruce On Thu, 19 Apr 2012, Ahmed, F, Me wrote: Hello FS experts,   A quick question for you all. D

[Freesurfer] Neuroscience project, hippocampus segmentation

2012-04-23 Thread Paweł Dembiński
Hi, I'm currently doing a project for my neuroscience course. I've decided to compare automatic segmentation methods (comparing hippocampus volumes) (using Freesurfer and FIRST). My question is, whether there is a set of commands in Freesurfer which will enable me to segment only hippocampus. I'm o

Re: [Freesurfer] Neuroscience project, hippocampus segmentation

2012-04-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Pawel no, sorry, you need to segment everything to get hippocampal volumes. You can stop after autorecon2 and not run 3, which will save you a bit of time, but you are probably better off just running them all normally. cheers Bruce On Mon, 23 Apr 2012, Pawe? Dembi?ski wrote: Hi, I'm c

Re: [Freesurfer] Load Brodmann surface area into inflated surface

2012-04-23 Thread _andreia_
(forgot to do answer all, here it goes for the list too) Citando _andre...@sapo.pt: > Hi Bruce, > > The ideia is to show one control subject vs. one patient inflated > surface with BA surface (not volume, sorry) to show the difference > (reduced surface area in one patient). Loading the rele

Re: [Freesurfer] bbregister for fmri FEAT data

2012-04-23 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Erlend, while the images in the tkregister2 pics are oriented correctly the registration is way off. What images are you loading into fslview? You'll need to convert the orig.mgz into nii and load that to check the registration. doug On 04/22/2012 04:16 AM, Erlend Hodneland wrote: > Hi again

Re: [Freesurfer] Load Brodmann surface area into inflated surface

2012-04-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Andreia, yes, they will always shrink since the label contains every point that could possibly be in the BA, no matter how unlikely. I'll try to find time to automatically threshold the BAs so that they have the average area of the individual examples, but for now V2 is probably around .7 an

Re: [Freesurfer] labelling of cluster regions

2012-04-23 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Koushik, it just uses the label of the maximum. doug On 04/19/2012 05:30 PM, Govindarajan, Koushik Athreya wrote: > Hi, > >I have a question regarding how the clusters are labeled after the results > of a Monte-Carlo Simulation. Similar regions from 2 different patient > populations seem

Re: [Freesurfer] How to convert a surface to volume space after using mris_preproc?

2012-04-23 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Xiangyu, just add --identity fsaverage to the surf2vol command line doug On 04/19/2012 05:57 PM, Long wrote: > Hi all, > > I had a question when convert a surface to volume space. > > First, I converted a volume nifti data to fsaverage: > > mris_preproc --target fsaverage --hemi lh --iv data

Re: [Freesurfer] WM modification

2012-04-23 Thread Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla
Hi Doug,I'm running the FS v5.1 under centOS 4.3 and after changing the mri_segstats you send me, i always get the following error message:mri_segstats: /lib64/tls/lib.so.6: version 'GLIBC_2.4' not found (required for mri_segstats).Does this is normal, since the same FS version was running perfectl

Re: [Freesurfer] WM modification

2012-04-23 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Gabriel, I'll need to wait for Nick or Krish to respond to this one. N/K: I'm trying to give Gabriel a new version of mri_segstats that I compiled on Linux tanha 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5 #1 SMP Wed Jan 5 17:52:25 EST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux doug On 04/23/2012 10:35 AM, Gabriel Gonzale

Re: [Freesurfer] WM modification

2012-04-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
Gabriel: try running ldd on the mri_segstats and see what libraries it is trying to find and whether you have them all. cheers Bruce On Mon, 23 Apr 2012, Douglas N Greve wrote: Hi Gabriel, I'll need to wait for Nick or Krish to respond to this one. N/K: I'm trying to give Gabriel a new ver

Re: [Freesurfer] mris_expand not working since upgrading to v.5.1.0

2012-04-23 Thread Andrew C Yourich
I have encountered this issue running Freesurfer 5.1.0 on both a Mac Pro running Mac OS 10.6.8 as well as a Dell PC running Freesurfer using the Ubuntu virtual machine package provided for Windows (OS was Windows XP). I'm going to attempt run the command exactly as you wrote it in the e-mail to

Re: [Freesurfer] mris_expand not working since upgrading to v.5.1.0

2012-04-23 Thread Bruce Fischl
can you try it on a linux machine? On Mon, 23 Apr 2012, Andrew C Yourich wrote: > I have encountered this issue running Freesurfer 5.1.0 on both a Mac Pro > running Mac OS 10.6.8 as well as a Dell PC running Freesurfer using the > Ubuntu virtual machine package provided for Windows (OS was Wind

Re: [Freesurfer] mris_expand not working since upgrading to v.5.1.0

2012-04-23 Thread Andrew C Yourich
I personally do not have access to a Linux machine, but I do know someone in our department that does run freesurfer on one. I had e-mailed him on Friday to see if he encountered this issue as well, so let me follow up with him and see if he is able to check mris_expand results on his computer.

[Freesurfer] your insight: parameter definition and --tnullmin necessary?

2012-04-23 Thread Betina Ip
Dear Freesurfer list, I am using optseq2 for the first time and wanted to check with you whether my protocol makes sense, many thanks in advance for your insight. 1) I start by choosing the maximum scan duration equalling ~30 min: 2) set the psd window so it can capture the entire waveform of a

Re: [Freesurfer] How to convert a surface to volume space after using mris_preproc?

2012-04-23 Thread Long
Hi Douglas, I tried to do spatial normalization for volume data, all steps are following: 1) bbregister --mov fsubj01_rest_res_co_001.hdr --bold --s subj01 --init-fsl --reg bb_register.dat I checked the result by tkregister2, it looked good. 2) mris_preproc --target fsaverage --hemi lh --iv fsu

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_cvs_register error in step 2

2012-04-23 Thread Jackie Leung
hi Lilla, I ended up with the same error... so I'm not sure what else to try. Do you have an ideas for troubleshooting? I've also attached the latest log file, although it's probably very similar to the first one. thanks, jackie On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 6:10 PM, Jackie Leung < jackie.le...@alu

Re: [Freesurfer] mri_cvs_register error in step 2

2012-04-23 Thread Lilla Zollei
Hi Jackie, Sorry that the error is still there. Are you sure that the attached log file is for the below command? I am asking as the log file indicates that spherical registration is done and that should not happen in Step2. Also, could you tell me which version of the FS distribution you ar

[Freesurfer] Error: matrix is rank-deficient by 2

2012-04-23 Thread Mohana Ramaratnam
Hello, We are getting the following error while processing T1 data acquired on Philips. The image data looks ok. We have three scans with similar error. Does anyone have suggestions as to what could be wrong? Loading pixel data /usr/pubsw/packages/vxl/1.13.0/src/core/vnl/algo/vnl_qr.txx: vnl_qr::

[Freesurfer] Fwd: Load Brodmann surface area into inflated surface

2012-04-23 Thread _andreia_
(sorry, here it is for the list again) - Mensagem encaminhada de Bruce Fischl - Data: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 15:30:17 -0400 (EDT) De: Bruce Fischl Assunto: Re: [Freesurfer] Load Brodmann surface area into inflated surface Para: _andre...@sapo.pt Hi Andreia, can you cc the lis

Re: [Freesurfer] your insight: parameter definition and --tnullmin necessary?

2012-04-23 Thread Douglas N Greve
Hi Betina, see answers below doug On 04/23/2012 12:04 PM, Betina Ip wrote: > Dear Freesurfer list, > > I am using optseq2 for the first time and wanted to check with you whether my > protocol makes sense, many thanks in advance for your insight. > > 1) I start by choosing the maximum scan duratio

Re: [Freesurfer] Error: matrix is rank-deficient by 2

2012-04-23 Thread Douglas N Greve
Is this one of the new dicom format files? The new ones have a single dicom file with all the pixel data in it (and we can't read them yet). doug On 04/23/2012 03:22 PM, Mohana Ramaratnam wrote: > Hello, > > We are getting the following error while processing T1 data acquired > on Philips. The im

Re: [Freesurfer] Cortical Normalization Questions

2012-04-23 Thread Jeff Sadino
Hello, Thank you Michael for your input. My feeling was that surface area would scale with ICV. In any case, is there any recommendation on how to normalize the Jacobian? My other ramble is that since it is already mapped into a common space, would I normalize the Jacobian, or would I have to n

[Freesurfer] Freeview Edit Capability

2012-04-23 Thread Richard Binney
Hi Freesurfers, I just want to check my observation that Freeview can not currently be used for editing the WM.mgz or the brainmask.mgz (for minor skull strip errors) as is done in TKmedit (cf., Edit Tutorial). Is that correct? I can’t find any documentation on this, and whilst I would assume

[Freesurfer] About the GroupAnalysis

2012-04-23 Thread bowang21
Hi All, When we do the GroupAnalysis,there is a vector(such as: 0 0 0.5 0.5).And I just want to know how this vector involve in calculating? ___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo

Re: [Freesurfer] Edit Capability of Freeview

2012-04-23 Thread Richard Binney
So shorlty after I sent that email I figured out how to do a little of what I spoke about... a) White matter (WM.mgz) edits - joining WM fingers in the WM.mgz or filling holes, etc..Should New WM voxels in WM.mgz should be = 255 (brush value)?? b) I can delete skull/dura..should I be repl

Re: [Freesurfer] About the GroupAnalysis

2012-04-23 Thread Douglas Greve
It's hard to say without more information, but that looks like a contrast vector which is used to test a hypothesis. On 4/23/12 9:00 PM, bowan...@mail.ustc.edu.cn wrote: > Hi All, > When we do the GroupAnalysis,there is a vector(such as: 0 0 0.5 0.5).And > I just want to know how this vector

Re: [Freesurfer] Cortical Normalization Questions

2012-04-23 Thread Douglas Greve
Why do you want the jacobian? The surface area is a more interpretable measure. If you use surface area, make sure you get the patch for mris_preproc. doug On 4/23/12 8:07 PM, Jeff Sadino wrote: Hello, Thank you Michael for your input. My feeling was that surface area would scale with ICV.

[Freesurfer] mri_convert - returns different image size

2012-04-23 Thread Popescu, V.
Dear all, I want to use N3 on nifti images, and I have different versions installed on two machines. On one machine I have an older version of N3 ( which uses mri_convert version 4 and everything works fine. On the other machine I have N3 version 1.12 which uses mri_convert version 5; th