[Freesurfer] question about Cluster-wise Correction for Multiple Comparisions

2012-03-18 Thread ZhiLiangLong
Hi all: I'm performing the group analysis on my own data using command line on FS5.1.0 and i'm a little confused about the Clusterwise Correction for Multiple Comparisions. the command is as follows: mri_glmfit-sim \ --glmdir lh.gender_age.glmdir \ --sim mc-

[Freesurfer] mri_vol2surf failed, segmentation error

2012-03-18 Thread Qingyang Li
Hi all, I am new to the freesurfer world. I was running a pipeline where I met an error. Here is the command I run and the error message: Command: mri_vol2surf --hemi lh --noreshape --o /working_dir/SurfaceRegistration/_subject_id_sub/func_sampler_lh/mapflow/_func_sampler_lh4/lh.rest_mc.mgz --reg

Re: [Freesurfer] Crippled fiber tracts in healthy subjects (TRACULA)

2012-03-18 Thread ayendiki
Hi Ansgar - From looking at your data, the reconstruction of the ccg failed b/c it goes erroneously into an area superior of the cingulum. You can see this clearly by looking at the slice view of the cingulum in freeview (the isosurfaces in the 3D view don't always tell the whole story). It's pos

Re: [Freesurfer] TRACULA: isn't the posterior distribution a probability?

2012-03-18 Thread ayendiki
Hi Juke - You can convert path.pd.nii.gz to a probability by normalizing it to a sum of 1. The numbers in there are the number of occurrences of the path in any specific voxel, among the 1000 or so paths that are sampled by the MCMC algorithm. Hope this helps, a.y > Dear Dr. Yendiki and TRACULA e