Hi Octavian
the coordinate systems used by FreeSurfer are documented here:
I believe that the ?h.dpial.ribbon.mgz is one our "conformed" coordinate
system, but Doug would know best.
Is there any way to prevent the NIH color map in Freeview from displaying
values higher than the max as black? I can only seem to find this option for
the Heat color map.
Thanks for any help,
The material in this message is private and may contain
Dear All,
I am increasingly fascinated by freesurfer.
Here is a rookie issue: I use a source imaging program that is rather
simple-minded in its MRI processing steps. To be able to use the inverse
solution tools of that program, I need to use 2 volumes:
- a head MRI to be used to electrode coregis
Dear All
I was just process the commands:
recon-all -i /home/wb/test_data/ZWK/34810194 \
-s ZWK \
-sd /home/wb/test/ \
And then
Checking for (invalid) multi-frame inputs...
ERROR: input(s) cannot have multiple frames!
I just want to know what does the error m
Unfortunately no. I'll update it in the next release.
On 3/4/12 9:11 PM, Blazey, Tyler wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there any way to prevent the NIH color map in Freeview from displaying
> values higher than the max as black? I can only seem to find this option for
> the Heat color map.
> Than