hi nolan,
i think starcluster is a great way to create a cluster on aws. but for
those wanting to create a single instance and install things on an ami
without actually having a large ami, fabric might be a good option.
example: (another neurod
Hi Satra,
Fabric does look nice, thanks for pointing it out and for a link to the
ipython_in_a_box example.
That framework might work for what I had in mind for freesurfer and
starcluster, which uses the same idea to keep the initial AMI footprint
On Nov 12, 2011
Satra, the ipython example looks great. The scripts I posted also use
fabric for running Freesurfer, but don't download Freesurfer due to it
already being installed on Pedro's image. I agree with Satra that
individually administered instances might work better for those wishing to
run a few cases w
I'm happy to see the work getting the cloud to be feasible. I still need to
catch up on this thread but one issue that I'd like to sort out is tracking the
license count. Its fine for a new user to use an existing image, but I think
there will need to be a way to remind people to request our .l
Maybe we can set up a web server in the Martinos center and the AMI Image
can authenticate in it.
Pedro Paulo de Magalhães Oliveira Junior
Netfilter & SpeedComm Telecom
-- www.netfilter.com.br
-- For mobile: http://itunes.apple.c
Perhaps the AMI image could be without a licence file and uploading one
(acquired though normal means) would be required? (I suppose that's the
basic solution we're looking for a clean way around)
2011/11/12 Pedro Paulo de Magalhães Oliveira Junior
> Maybe we can set up a web server in the Mart
If only running a small number of instances, I think it is reasonable
to leave the ami w/o a .license file since it is easy enough to scp it
up to the cloud. For running a cluster it would be nice to have a
script, perhaps using Fabric, to upload a .license file to each
instance in a cluster. As it