[Freesurfer] qdec problems

2011-02-26 Thread 汪贵宏
Hi all, I want to analyse the thickness difference between patients and normals,but I can not understand the results that I got from qdec-analysis .I hope someone can help me. Firstly,as the papers says, the Cortical (surface-based) Analysis measures the Distance between white and pial surf

Re: [Freesurfer] qdec problems

2011-02-26 Thread Bruce Fischl
Hi Wang, you can do different types of analysis. You can do a vertex-wise comparison, in which case you'll have about 150,000 tests/hemisphere. This makes the multiple comparison problem pretty bad, so people frequently collapse into regions of interest (ROIs). We provide anatomical ROIs which

[Freesurfer] parellizing Freesurfer

2011-02-26 Thread Pablo Polosecki
Hi all, I was wondering if someone out there has any experience trying to parallelize their analysis streams in clusters or multiprocessor machines. I was thinking also about the cloud computing services offered by Google, Amazon or other. Has anyone tried or has any plans of implementing somethin

Re: [Freesurfer] qdec problems

2011-02-26 Thread Nick Schmansky
i think part of the confusion results from the option in qdec to import the ROI thickness values into qdec for selection as factors in an analysis. if what you want to do is simply look for cortex-wide (ie vertex-wide) differences in thickness between two groups (patients vs. controls), then you d

Re: [Freesurfer] Qdec - ROI - different thickness results

2011-02-26 Thread Nick Schmansky
the easiest way to determine X from Y and blue from red (ie, which group is getting thicker or thinner) is to Ctrl-right click on a vertex within the region of interest on the cortex result display. a plot will appear showing the raw thickness values for your groups, and which-is-which should obvi

Re: [Freesurfer] installation problem

2011-02-26 Thread Nick Schmansky
the SetupFreeSurferEnv.csh file needs to be run. see installation instructions: http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/SetupConfiguration n. On Fri, 2011-02-25 at 08:25 +0800, Liukarl wrote: > Hello, Nick > > I tried mri_convert work, glxgears,tksurfer, qdec,freeview. It all > respond as "Co

Re: [Freesurfer] parellizing Freesurfer

2011-02-26 Thread Pedro Paulo de Magalhães Oliveira Junior
Yes. Take a look at: http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/UserContributions/FAQ#Q.HowcanIreducethetimeofrecon-allinagroupofpatients.3F Also I have successfully executed it at Amazon EC2 instances. PPJ - Pedro Paulo de Magalhã

Re: [Freesurfer] installation problem

2011-02-26 Thread Liukarl
Do I need to run the SetupFreeSurferEnv.csh every time before I start the Freesurfer? I thought it is only for initial intallation? PS: even after I run the SetupFreeSurferEnv.csh when i installed Freesurfer the other day, it showed freesurfer-Linux-centos4-stable-pub-v5.0.0 ---

Re: [Freesurfer] parellizing Freesurfer

2011-02-26 Thread Pablo Polosecki
Hi Pedro and everyone, Thanks so much for pointing me there. I seems like the only way to parallelize is to run several recon-all simultanously intstead of wating for one to finshe and then run the following. I wonder if you (of someone else) managed to achieve some further decrease in running tim