Dear Isabelle,
In the System Preferences -> Keyboard & Mouse you should
select the buttons as follows:
left one: primary button,
right one: secondary button
top on: Button 3
You will now have a 3-button mouse that works fine with FreeeSurfer.
Just getting started with Freesurfer.
Is it possible to give the exact definition of the output of dt_recon,
in particular:
- adc
- ra
- radialdiff
- ivc
Freesurfer mailing list
The inf
Hi Ed,
ADC: apparent diffusion coefficients (ln(S0/S1)/(b1-b0))
RA: relative anisotropy (sqrt(var(lambda))/mean(lambda))
radialdiff: radial diffusivity (lambda2+lambda3)/2
IVC: inter-voxel correlation
where lambda = (lambda1, lambda2, lambda3) the eigenvalues
S0 = signal intensity without the
I'm trying to run recon-all on brains that have already been skullstripped
and had their necks removed. I ran autorecon1 without the skullstrip
steps. To generate brainmask.mgz I just created a renamed copy of T1.mgz.
Is this okay?
I'm currently stuck on autorecon2's segstats step. (For autorec
you need to make sure that the direction cosines are correct. You can
check whether it is correct by looking at it in tkmedit, ie,
tkmedit -f yourfile.nii
It should look coronal in the coronal view, etc. If it is wrong, there's
no easy way to fix it. I'd go back to the original dicoms if you ca
Hi freesurfers,
To summarize the forwarded thread, some months ago I was experiencing
segmentation faults at the mri_segment step in the processing stream,
and the fix turned out to be running that particular caselist with v5.
My lab is still using 4.2.0 in general, however, since we would hav
If you don't need the stats, you can run it with -nosegstats and
-nowmparc. If you need them, you can run recon-all without and then
run mri_segstats using the new version.
Diandra Lucia wrote:
> Hi freesurfers,
> To summarize the forwarded thread, some months ago I was experiencing
Hi Diandra,
if you can replicate the problem and you are willing to post the dataset
for us, we'll fix it (and can probably build you a fixed version of
On Mon, 1 Nov 2010, Diandra Lucia wrote:
> Hi freesurfers,
> To summarize the forwarded thread, some months ago I
Hi Bruce,
Thanks so much; that would be ideal. I sent you a sample case via the
file drop. Let me know if you need anything else.
- Diandra
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Diandra,
> if you can replicate the problem and you are willing to post the dataset for
> us,